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Scout  Div 2 Skill, 6v6

Israel playeravatar

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, my team just folded cuz of some issue so im looking for a div 2 team as scout..

-can play 4-5 days a week mostly from 20:00 CET to 23:00 CET
-18 years old
-experienced player
-season 14 2nd place in div 3 season 15 1st place in div 3
-used to playing against div 2 teams
-good dm
-good gamesense
-willing to improve and open for criticism
-able to work on tactics with the team watch our demos and stuff like that
– can snip if needed
-english speaking

-english speaking
-stable team
-play at least 4 days a week
-no ragers
-server and mumble
-prefer 18+ year olds but always can try play with 10 year olds :D
-funny people in and after games
-div2 please, not below
so thats it add me on steam for trials :D

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:34058321 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Israel [National 6v6 Team] BraveHeart
Left Israel [National Highlander Team] SorroW
Joined International Special Force [6v6] ShadowG
Left ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] playeravatar
Joined ahvaT hA neshariM [6v6] matnuN
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Left Team Colonslash: Classic [6v6] playeravatar
Joined Division of Justice [Highlander] playeravatar
Left Team Ping [Highlander] playeravatar
Joined Team Colonslash: Classic [6v6] playeravatar
Left Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Timothy
Joined Team Ping [Highlander] Timothy
Left Pwning Without Remorse [Highlander] s0rex
Joined Pwning Without Remorse [Highlander] s0rex
Left Pwning Without Remorse Highlander Team [Highlander] s0rex
Joined Pwning Without Remorse Highlander Team [Highlander] s0rex
Joined Pwning Without Remorse [6v6] Timothy

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 2 28 1020
View Div 4 22 618


  1. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    rly nice guy, good scout

  2. raiku: STR said:

    gut fastman

  3. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  4. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  5. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    top again :P

  6. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    eifo ha e basof ya rosh beiza

    great scout,can handle div2 and my balls easily

  7. Noamigo said:


  8. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    y no teamsssss?

  9. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  10. raiku: STR said:

    Seriously, this dude is really good for this skill level.

    Do I have to smack some leaders for not getting this guy ?

  11. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    top again…

  12. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Good Scout from what I’ve seen, shouldn’t have any issues with div 2 and stuff.

    Good luck ;)

  13. Plysse said:

    sick newb

  14. Haimehh: addict! said:

    “-prefer 18+ year olds but always can try play with 10 year olds :D” I lol’d….

    a great scout. should fit any div2 team. good-luck

  15. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    like you haimeh 10 years old :)

  16. Andreas: ʕ•͡ᴥ•ʔ. - DANMARK said:

    Free bump my friend :)

  17. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  18. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  19. Dagun: TC.Vintage said:

    PA confirmed for best guy ever.


  20. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    still searching….

  21. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:


  22. Haimehh: addict! said:

    im 15^^

  23. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    thought u are 8 :D

  24. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:


  25. Tea said:

    Free Bump 4 You cuz u jew

  26. Spike Himself: TC said:

    Good player and nice avatar!

  27. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    still no team….

  28. Haimehh: addict! said:

    yalla bo pothim kvuza

  29. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    back to the top…

  30. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:

    hh kol 5 shaot ata oleh lasot bump? ze nira leha ozer? :D

  31. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    problem? :D

  32. SorroW: iveR - VDOH said:


  33. playeravatar: IsF - Doj. said:

    bump againn

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