Pixel Warriors
Posted by Monkey: | Last Online:
Hi .
Iam 15years old boy who is looking for team as medic.
On tf2 I had 15oo hours (alt acc > )
Only on medic I had +-500-600 hours .
Was play in 4 teams as medic .
My goods :
Very good game activity.
So much tryharding (very much hours on mge + dm )
Good healing
Iam so friendly man.
Can play everyday to 22:30 ( in school day , in week to 23:30 )
Not bad surfs , movements .
Iam not scared to going krits .
My Bads.
Quite-well english .
If iam nvice in team , Iam shy for speaking .
We can try mix only , but try me as med.
Prosím vás , čechy / slováky co jste na mě naštvaní , abyste mi nekomentovali recruimenty .
My steam :
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Ak este hladate scouta, ja by som mal zaujem. Doteraz som hraval iba mixy/lobby, v poslednom case scouta. Inac hram hl snipera (UGC Silver), takze by som vedel offclasovat. Ak mate zaujem, pridajte si ma.