ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom phantomwolf

Posted: | Last Online:


I'm looking for a div 5 or 6 team with
established roles practised rollouts
basic strats
english speaking
a server (server is not that important)

I'm fairly new to playing 6s in a real comp game however i have played over 30 mixes games as medic for a div 5 group and I'm apart of a HL as a heavy and we are currently in UGC Steel div.

I'm 17 and a mature player, I can speak perfect English and have good communication skills, I can take criticism well as long as its constructive and i can give it as well.
I have over 700 hours in TF2 and 100-200 of those being medic hours.

The times i can play sometimes change from week to week but mainly i can play
Sunday 12-23:00 GMT
Monday-Tuesday 18-23:00 GMT
Wednesday-Saturday 12-23:00 (if not later)

If you're interested add me on steam for trials or further questions.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:101436198 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Eewww [Highlander] Solid
Left FOR THE LOLS! [6v6] Solid
Joined FOR THE LOLS! [6v6] MS
Joined Eewww [Highlander] MUG
Left ♥Frank [Highlander] phantomwolf
Joined ♥Frank [Highlander] froggie
Left Good Enough [Highlander] birdy
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Left Good Enough [Highlander] Larath
Joined Good Enough [Highlander] birdy
Left That awkward moment [6v6 Fun Team] Qnai
Joined That awkward moment [6v6 Fun Team] phantomwolf
Left Raw Deal [Highlander] phantomwolf
Left Cool Comrades [6v6] phantomwolf
Joined Cool Comrades [6v6] phantomwolf
Joined Raw Deal [Highlander] phantomwolf
Left Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] phantomwolf
Joined Sandviches are Forever [Highlander] phantomwolf
Left Crysomemore [Highlander] phantomwolf
Joined Crysomemore [Highlander] phantomwolf
Left Already Average [Highlander] phantomwolf
Left Less than average [6v6] phantomwolf
Joined Less than average [6v6] phantomwolf
Joined Already Average [Highlander] phantomwolf

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View Div 4/Div 5 14 290


  1. amppis: DTR said:

    He’s a good guy, learning really quick. Give him a shot!

  2. Tornf4lk: cc// said:

    awesome guy! bad at shotgun

  3. GetFoo said:

    Great guy, fun and easy to talk to. + he is quick learner!

  4. Hovis said:
