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Spy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

Finland Petoox

Posted: | Last Online:

So, yeah my name is Petoox.
I'm 13 years old spy from EU (Finland)

I can speak English and Finnish.
I have Mumble, TS3 and Mic.
I'm pretty much online on monday-friday 16:00-21:00 online and weekends from 10:00-18:00. (+2GMT timezone)

What I'm looking for? Good and friendly team. Nothing else.

So, yeah I haven't played comp. But I'm really looking to learn.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:107545534 Add Friend

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Left Critical Hit [Highlander] Sabesaroo
Joined Critical Hit [Highlander] Sabesaroo

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  1. Pelivelho: VV said:

    Petoox is real cool girl and should go fairly in div6! Take her, she is amazing!

  2. dissy: Tissi said:

    Good spy. Could go div5.

  3. olBaa said:

    3 lobbies a day

  4. Charizard™: kiti said:

    olbaa, you don’t say 8)

  5. Jaakarhu said:

    haha petoox plays 3-5 lobbies per day

    brb gonna find my bs detector

  6. Jaakarhu said:

    could go d6 or low d5