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DemomanScoutSniper  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Permzilla

Posted: | Last Online:


– can take/give banter
– keen (read: no life)
– dem pipes
– 20cet-23cet
– div3 official experience as scout, div3 pcw's as demo

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:49141923 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined FG eSports [6v6] Gubbins
Left not dead doggo [6v6] Permzilla
Joined not dead doggo [6v6] seeds
Left ByTheWay TheWay Way Football Club Club [6v6] Gubbins
Joined ByTheWay TheWay Way Football Club Club [6v6] Gubbins
Left Se7en [6v6] Permzilla
Left England [National 6v6 Team] Starkie
Joined Se7en [6v6] Thalash
Left LEGO [6v6] Permzilla
Joined LEGO [6v6] Dr. Phil
Left FG eSports [6v6] Permzilla
Left England [National Highlander Team] cloudy
Joined FG eSports [6v6] eepily
Left SUAVE [6v6] smziii
Joined SUAVE [6v6] smziii
Left FG eSports [6v6] Permzilla
Joined FG eSports [6v6] hi im cupcake
Left Se7en [6v6] Permzilla
Joined Se7en [6v6] kaptain
Left Se7en [6v6] kaidus
Joined Se7en [6v6] kaptain
Left FG eSports [6v6] Permzilla
Joined WHEREISKAIDO [Highlander] Fribs
Left Jamais Vu [Highlander] Permzilla
Joined FG eSports [6v6] Permzilla
Left Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Permzilla
Joined Herr_P Loves Zizi [6v6] Permzilla
Joined Jamais Vu [Highlander] Linus
Left SNSD [Highlander] Linus
Left REVERTO [6v6] Permzilla
Joined SNSD [Highlander] Linus
Left KritzKast: Distinguished Ducks [Highlander] Permzilla
Joined REVERTO [6v6] Starkie
Left d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Permzilla
Joined England [National 6v6 Team] byte
Joined KritzKast: Distinguished Ducks [Highlander] Permzilla
Left May Contain Nuts [Highlander] Permzilla
Joined Permzilla [1v1] Permzilla
Joined RIP in peace Permzilla [6v6 Fun Team] Permzilla
Left dashfire [6v6 Fun Team] Permzilla
Joined d-d-Did I Stutter? [6v6] Permzilla
Left .fest [6v6] Permzilla
Joined England [National Highlander Team] Permzilla
Joined dashfire [6v6 Fun Team] Crake
Joined .fest [6v6] Permzilla
Left Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Permzilla
Joined May Contain Nuts [Highlander] Permzilla
Left Team Colonslash Highlander [Highlander] Permzilla
Joined Team Colonslash Highlander [Highlander] Permzilla
Left Aristocrits [Highlander] Permzilla
Joined Face Invaders [2v2] Permzilla
Joined Team Colonslash: Upgrade [6v6] Permzilla
Left Plan B [6v6] Permzilla
Left dats a kill! [1v1] Permzilla
Joined Plan B [6v6] Permzilla
Left Equivocation [6v6] Permzilla
Joined Equivocation [6v6] Permzilla
Left Lethal-Zone Blue [6v6] Killvion
Joined dats a kill! [1v1] Permzilla
Joined Aristocrits [Highlander] Permzilla
Left Aristocrits [Highlander] Permzilla
Joined Lethal-Zone Blue [6v6] Killvion
Left U MAD? [6v6] Permzilla
Joined U MAD? [6v6] Not here
Joined Aristocrits [Highlander] Permzilla

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 21 1843
View Div 5 8 464
View Div 5/Div 6 34 1266
View Div 5/Div 6 12 468


  1. Crake: fest - #wubafan said:

    if you don’t pick him up you’re mentally disabled and you should stop playing this game competitively


  2. Oxy: TC.Express said:


  3. pizza said:

    sick dm, could easily handle top div 3

  4. Spike Himself: TC said:

    What Crake said.

  5. KLar: okie said:

    div3 :D

  6. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:

    inc screenshot of KLar getting outscored…


    div2 wannabe noob ;DD

  7. Vanilla_Mi: F! said:

    better than silleh, sick demo

  8. slate: (ETF2L Donator) - AMG said:


  9. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Great Scout and a very smart and capable Demo.

    Also a great guy, always helps us with mercing and carrying when we suck. Don`t even bother trialing him if you have a loud team. Actually don`t trial him at all, and force him to pick Shine.

    GL <3

  10. Enef: fest - #wubafan said:

    Premzilla is the best kitchen gamer EU

  11. Scotteh: BLUBUF said:

    there’s a reason he’s called premzilla

  12. Evilmoon: TLR - [PG] said:

    easiest recruitment comment of my life. On topic sick demoman with dem pipes that dont miss, tf2ez

  13. Gozo: SOLAR - 9F said:

    easy div3

  14. Permzilla: (Legend) - (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ - WiK? said:


  15. Beef: Dawson said:

    I’d get him.

  16. punct: Do be - Rambase.ro said:

    Spermzilla is awesome.

  17. Spike Himself: TC said:

    I’d take perm if we weren’t 2 divs below his level!

  18. Brainmaster: GoT<3 - #WW said:

    He is the real legend.. What happend to .fest?
    Any beginning div2 team should give him a chance.

  19. Skully said:

    perm is a beast, some great pipe aim as a demo and good game sence


  20. ante: CiC said:


  21. lolage: TSPAG said:

    defo at the top end of div3

    gl dude

  22. reservoir_dog: TC.Express said:

    Perm in real life:


  23. Herr_Pyromatic: .:[aAa]:. said:

    Sick demo. GL!

  24. huhystah said:

    good gaymer i heard

  25. Trane said:

    This guy is a boss.

  26. h1: :3 - BM said:

    guy is a beast, simple.

  27. Funkadelic: [d¿s] said:

    Sick gamer, nice guy.

    gl mate!

  28. Fn: [:B] said:

    Was great last night ;)

  29. mustardoverlord: :) said:

    could do div 1 or 2 as demo

  30. Evilmoon: TLR - [PG] said:

    easiest bump of my life

  31. Kiss Kiss: 8{ - 8D said:

    Raped the shit out of me. Still sore. Still mad.

    Never rly understood why he was slummin around in div4

  32. silleh said:

    Low div 3 at best ;_;

  33. silleh said:

    he bad

  34. silleh said: