ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, 6v6

CzechRepublic Pozor!

Posted by Pennyfarming: | Last Online:

Hi, after doing fairly well in div 3 most of us share the opinion that we want to go on to div 2.

We may not have won div 3 and we may not be the best team in the world but I think if we work together and practice we could be looking to go low div 2.

Individually I think we have some talented players and after all we are a new team, however I still think that if we had some greater team co ordination that comes from experience then we could really take off.

If you are a Roaming / Pocket solly or a medic that feels they could reach this skill level but you do not exactly have the best team history or the largest experience feel free to add me for a trial. Although anyone with previous experience in div 2 would be a huge asset to us obviously.

Thanks for reading and make sure to add me pennyfarming for a trial, if im not responding during the day feel free to add nyx as well on steam for a trial as well.

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  1. KLar: okie said:

    why u need a solly and med, u are prem u dont need 6peeps

  2. nyx: -nobroder said:

    Need more soldiers, feel free to add me.

  3. melody: Lutunen said:

    good team with smart players :)

  4. Cam00 said:

    Has a prem player so is easy d2