ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Spy  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom PeaceyP

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey there. I'm Peacey and I've been interested in getting into competitive TF2 for a while now but I've never gotten round to it. I'm 25 and I speak English and no other languages.

I'm looking to main spy in a friendly highlander team. I'm at 330 hours of spy and nearly 2,500 hours of TF2 played. I've got no previous experience in a competitive setting and I have no experience in playing with comms.

I'm available to play all evenings and nights so if you're willing to show a new guy the ropes, feel free to add me for a chat!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:44447545 Add Friend

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Joined The Booted Cat [Highlander] Cyclonite

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  1. Phnx: kZk said:

    Try out colony mixes, if there is no skill limit just talk to admin to add you as a spy to the mix, it is a great place to start, GL:)

  2. Lars Henrik said:

    i think i could be spy in your team please add me and test me have over 3500 on tf2 before i got a new acount got only 700 hours or something xD, please add me and test me, my skype name:”incredible.lars.henrik…”

  3. Cuttlefish: 6v6 said:

    ^ he’s looking for a team, not creating one.

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