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Soldier  Div 5 Skill, Highlander

UnitedKingdom Patty

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi, I'm Patty
I'm from England and am looking to play either top steel or low/mid silver as soldier for any upcoming seasons.
My experience:
Ran the team 9MIG/XtC through UGC summer season and S11. Came 24th in our first season and 16th in our second season.
Currently playing div5 ETF2L and are top of our bracket.
I have 1600 hours, most of which are solly and plenty of MGE/pugs/lobby
Also played a season of d6 6s as roamer a while back.
My gamesense is pretty decent and I have a good idea of what's going on generally.

I'm not looking to run a team, would just like to play more casually as I don't have quite as much time anymore. Also, just looking for a change of scene as I've been with the same team for ages!
Looking for a relaxed team who are still ambitious.

Hit me up for trials or a chat. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049297299/


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:89031571 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] Royal Flush
Joined Billy's Bandits [6v6] Billy
Joined GODL MEDEL!! [Highlander] $neaky
Left Mad? [Highlander] JoeTea
Left Dank Dugongs [6v6] Spade
Joined Dank Dugongs [6v6] Spade
Left Shrekexual Ogrelords [6v6] Patty
Joined Shrekexual Ogrelords [6v6] Patty
Left Shake Hands With Beef [6v6] Patty
Joined Mad? [Highlander] Billy
Left Bass in the Place [Highlander] Patty
Joined Shake Hands With Beef [6v6] Waifu
Left Baguette! Sponsored by Promethium Gaming [6v6] SuicidalPigeon
Joined Baguette! Sponsored by Promethium Gaming [6v6] Patty
Joined Bass in the Place [Highlander] Patty

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 11 466
View Div 5/Div 6 1 215


  1. skyro: #SaveMelee said:

    Fair soldier, will probably find a home in div 5

    Just tell him to shut up when he’s making too much noise and keep him from bragging about how many medics he deals 149 damage to and how much damage he does

  2. Billy: xD said:

    average dm doesnt play the flank and begs for free hats tbh i would recommend iron/ div 6 for this player

  3. JoeTea said:

    poor skills, lack of gamesense, also ginger, 0/10 wouldn’t bang

  4. Patty: xD said:

    fu billeh

  5. Popsicle said:

    Spends too much time climbing mountains than actually playing, 2/10 would not reccommend

  6. Fluff said:

    wears short shorts, nicetry/10