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DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Portugal juan

Posted: | Last Online:

any class d4

medic only if i can maincall ( must have a proper pocket)

can play sunday-thursday at any time, won't play more than 4 nights a week.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:217450427 Add Friend

Team History

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Joined on the beat [6v6 Fun Team] hr
Joined adios amigo [6v6] hr
Left It's all Gucci baby [6v6] juan
Joined It's all Gucci baby [6v6] Wut3r
Left #FreePat [6v6] juan
Joined #FreePat [6v6] Sodium
Left Above average in England [6v6] juan
Joined Above average in England [6v6] Wilderhammer
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] juan
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Menty
Left 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] juan
Left We JahMen [6v6] juan
Joined We JahMen [6v6] RatedSlayer
Left Bullet!Club [6v6] juan
Joined Bullet!Club [6v6] san alex
Left Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] juan
Joined Fakin Ritar eSports [6v6] Twiggy
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] juan
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Muerte
Left Strykers [6v6] juan
Joined Strykers [6v6] Larath
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] juan
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] nibo
Left #FreePat [6v6] juan
Joined 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] juan
Left The BitchHunteRs [2v2] juan
Left Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] juan
Joined #FreePat [6v6] juan
Left Pretty Intense by TEZC [6v6] juan
Joined Pretty Intense by TEZC [6v6] marez
Left x) [6v6] juan
Joined x) [6v6] hr
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] juan
Joined Virtual Λlliance [Highlander] juan
Joined The BitchHunteRs [2v2] juan
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] juan
Left Delta xpress killers [6v6] juan
Joined Delta xpress killers [6v6] juan

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Mid 2 133
View Mid/High 15 536
View Mid/High 7 481
View Div 3 24 832
View Div 3/Div 4 28 963
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View Div 5 1 227
View Div 4 2 250
View Div 4 10 831


  1. spherefs said:

    good soldier

  2. crazycalumrock: ITIFY - JaR said:

    great pocket. gl in team search

  3. hr said:

    ask him for his snakewater 2nd push

  4. tavi said:

    very good at videojuegos jajajjajajajaja

  5. juan: adios said:

    hr ill make that happen one day and you are gonna eat your words

  6. Porzun said:

    added to talk

  7. Turbo: -ƒ$-BLAH - sniper said:

    Seems pretty decent from what I saw. Could push for a higher div if given the right atmosphere.

    GL! :3

  8. Droidster: tavi said:

    He told me he has a 9 inch dick so he must be good. And he videogamed hard on #prettyintense a few seasons ago. ez div 4, better on soldat