ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Mid+ Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates Pancake Assassins

Posted by eninco: | Last Online:

anynody who doesnt suck can join us but be sure to check out http://steamcommunity.com/groups/pancakeassassins for our group

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  1. party_turtle said:

    I’m a great pyro and looking for a team for the highlander – recruit me!

  2. fury said:

    [6vs6] ;)

  3. xykon said:

    If you are looking for a good medic, then I’m here to recruit.

  4. ShootingDummy said:

    I am a great Sniper & Medic , if you are looking for them you found your guy:). I may live in canada but it is close to the U.S.A right?

  5. DeathCake said:

    Im a really good pyro i can be used on your team vary well.

  6. Beni123 said:

    I’m a skilled Demoman a I’m looking for a good team to join while the Highlander, please recuit me.

  7. grant742 said:

    I’m really good at Spy, and okay at Soldier. I can usually get near the top of the scoreboard as Spy.

  8. Wesleyc16: TF2ET said:

    Hello! Im a good spy or scout just looking for a semi competative team. I will focus on teamwork and I will vary my gameplay for offense or defense. Thank you for your consideration.

  9. Wesleyc16: TF2ET said:

    Sorry for double posting but I am mostly interested in the Highlander.

  10. semburu said:

    im a good all around player and my friend is a very good with most classes, message me, we are looking for a team for the highlander

  11. emanweirdness said:

    Hey! I’d love to join! I am a good scout, pyro, great spy, check out my profile! Recruit me!

  12. boxomarkers said:

    Hey I’m looking for a team to Join, my best is Spy but I’m a decent Scout or Heavy.

  13. Powerful Wizard IRL said:

    I’m a great medic, hope I’m not too late to sign up.
    Contact me at [url]http://steamcommunity.com/id/nordahl154[/url]