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Soldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Turkey oxin

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello, I'm 20 years old and I play mainly roamer soldier in div4. I usually play in deathmatch servers at least 3 hours per a day. If you interested, please contact me, thanks. #direntapir

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:59693873 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Cat Clan [6v6] oxin
Joined Cat Clan [6v6] oxin
Left Sad Men [6v6] turkuaz
Joined Sad Men [6v6] oxin
Left Lumberjacks Team [Highlander] oxin
Left N/A atm [6v6] oxin
Joined N/A atm [6v6] oxin
Left Default Win e-Sports / Green [6v6] oxin
Joined Default Win e-Sports / Green [6v6] oxin
Left Weekings [6v6] oxin
Joined Weekings [6v6] oxin
Left SG Clan-Germany - *V.I.E.R* [6v6] oxin
Joined Lumberjacks Team [Highlander] oxin
Joined SG Clan-Germany - *V.I.E.R* [6v6] oxin

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View Div 6 4 261


  1. turkuaz said:

    good boy . can handle div4 surely . go mate .

  2. volper: bedgetf2 said:

    he uses haci şakirt,he’s ought to be good

  3. inferius: Dline said:

    Sağ bileğine kuvvet karşim!

  4. Griffin said:

    he always sings madeon pop culture with his sexy voice, we like him, gl. +rep for using hacı şakir.

  5. Rigel: bedgetf2 said:

    hacı şakir

  6. inferius: Dline said:

    Double mix killer partnerim <3

  7. inferius: Dline said:


  8. oxin said:


  9. Griffin said:

    friendly bump

  10. oxin said:


  11. inferius: Dline said:

    bump amk

  12. inferius: Dline said:

    sende hacı şakir kullan amk

  13. OldSpic3 said:

    Played DM with that guy alot ^^
    One of the best soldiers ive seen on dm gl