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ScoutSoldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Israel overCTRL

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking For Good Team with Nice Players :)
that loves to scrim alot and are active :)
about me:
Im 17 years old
Good With Team Work!
playing as roamer pocket and scout.
can be in div 4 and 5

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:66420133 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Pipe Dreams [6v6] almightybob
Left Team Gidro Coféeee [Highlander] overCTRL
Left Pinky [6v6] Kimo
Joined Team Gidro Coféeee [Highlander] Kimo
Joined Pinky [6v6] Kimo
Left nervousENERGY Density [6v6] overCTRL
Joined nervousENERGY Density [6v6] Mop
Left The luvluv's [6v6] overCTRL
Joined The luvluv's [6v6] Shaggyyy
Left Voice Of Crying [6v6] overCTRL
Joined Voice Of Crying [6v6] overCTRL
Left 7 Jewz And 1 Catholic [6v6] wampee
Joined 7 Jewz And 1 Catholic [6v6] wampee
Left 7 Jewz And 1 Catholic [6v6] wampee
Joined 7 Jewz And 1 Catholic [6v6] wampee
Left AGK HighLander [Highlander] overCTRL
Joined AGK HighLander [Highlander] overCTRL

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View Div 6 3 274


  1. ScrollLock said:

    gl , he good nice aim

  2. overCTRL: zzZ said:

    ty :)

  3. ScrollLock said:

    זה השקר הכי טוב שהיה לי ברור לי שאתה ביצים

  4. overCTRL: zzZ said:

    חחחחחחחחחחחח סליחה DIV 6 מדבר פה :)

  5. ScrollLock said:

    yea for sure u are sub in div 6 fucking bad player אתה לא דיב 5 אחי תירגע

  6. OldSpic3 said:

    whats your prob scrlk?
    couldve just stop after your first reply

  7. OldSpic3 said:

    goodluck btw :D

  8. Noamigo said:

    gl luck and don’t let noobz like that guy tell u anything…

  9. overCTRL: zzZ said:

    oldspic3 ze sheani sub bdiv 6 ze ki ani od mehapes kvutza…..veadiv 6 aelek yehulim bekalot lenatzeah div 5…..ani sub bentaim laasot ktzat stalbet ad sheani yimtza good team

  10. overCTRL: zzZ said:

    scrollock…meanyen lama ayiti sub ….bo netzotet :” plz let me be the main ….its not fair that u came after me and they gave u my spot ! plzzz….” some thing like that….so dont cry

  11. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  12. ScrollLock said:

    GL any way אתה מבין שזה בדיחה נכון? :O

  13. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  14. ScrollLock said:

    בתכלס עם תקשיב יותר למה שאומרים לך ותדבר פחות כי יש כאלה שלא אוהבים מה שאתה עושה בממבל לדוגמא לא שזה משנה לי , אתה אחלה שחקן ונחמד אבל תעבוד אל זה ותתשפר

  15. ScrollLock said:

    אם תעשה את זה אתה תהיה דיב 5 לפי דעתי כי יש לך איים והכול רק הבעיה שחלק מהקבוצות לא אוהבות את איך שאתה מתנהג אל תיקח ללב את מה שאמרתי לפני זה סתם היה בדיחה בהצלחה

  16. ScrollLock said:

    עכשיו באנגלית all of what i wrote on top was a joke he is a good player , he is better as roam he could hold div 5 if he will work on some stuff

  17. overCTRL: zzZ said:

    bump again

  18. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  19. overCTRL: zzZ said:

    Bump sdada

  20. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  21. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  22. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  23. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  24. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  25. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  26. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  27. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  28. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  29. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  30. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  31. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  32. overCTRL: zzZ said:

    bump X231215646

  33. overCTRL: zzZ said:


  34. overCTRL: zzZ said: