ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Germany octane

Posted: | Last Online:

Med only, cuz i'm Too lazy to mge.
Would prefer not to maincall
Add me for more

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:58259049 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left BaywatchBois [6v6] meh
Joined BaywatchBois [6v6] TFL
Left Dichten Fichten Reloaded [6v6] octane
Joined Dichten Fichten Reloaded [6v6] wlad
Left Ebola Esports [Highlander] octane
Joined Ebola Esports [Highlander] TaylorSwiftFan100
Left Dicht Rasiert und Geschäumt [Highlander] octane
Left MAN [6v6] octane
Joined MAN [6v6] jacat
Left Dichten Fichten [6v6] octane
Joined Dicht Rasiert und Geschäumt [Highlander] marKo
Joined Dichten Fichten [6v6] marKo
Left Polygon Pirates [6v6] octane
Joined Polygon Pirates [6v6] Toffi
Left Dichten Fichten [6v6] octane
Joined Dichten Fichten [6v6] octane
Left Anale Randale [Highlander] octane
Left Friendly Friends [6v6] octane
Joined Anale Randale [Highlander] octane
Joined Friendly Friends [6v6] octane

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  1. clip: ist doof said:

    helpful mate

  2. Riot: {VM} said:

    number 1 take him 8)

  3. lacrimosa said:
