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Medic  Mid Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom not dead doggo

Posted by lor_is: | Last Online:

Looking for med for a heavily British team.
We're all nice.

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  1. Hourage said:

    Hello there,
    I have over 1.1k hours in tf2 and Main a Medic. I played a season already, but the team split up. For a Trail just add me. Would love if we could see if I can play with you.

    Steam profile http://steamcommunity.com/id/shadowlord_510/

  2. shoras said:

    >heavily british
    >all nice

  3. BusinessOrc: Abm. said:


    Hi, I’m heavy and British. Played years ago and looking to get back into comp, played soldier, want to play medic now.

    If you are looking for a medic main caller, i’m a bad choice.

    Feel free to chat to me.

  4. hittmann567 said:

    Hello there,
    I have over 1.6k hours in tf2 and Main a Medic just add me Would love if we could see if I can play with you.