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Scout  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Scotland Nostalgia

Posted: | Last Online:

Not played this game in ages.
Was average at best when I did play.
At university and work so don't have much time to dedicate to gaming.
Wonderful gentleman.
Would rather not play in a team that doesn't have at least half their team UK based.

Essentially looking for a team that is only playing to have fun and doesn't require a lot of time dedicated to playing and preferably UK based. If not I guess European teams will do. I won't play in a Division lower than 3 though because it just becomes a joke(no offence).

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:25159902 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left beyblades [6v6] Nostalgia
Joined beyblades [6v6] rytis
Left Nostalgia [1v1] Nostalgia
Joined Nostalgia [1v1] Nostalgia

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View Div 2/Div 3 8 620
View Div 2 17 763
View Div 3/Div 4 15 713
View Div 3/Div 4 13 682


  1. Taimou said:

    You’re never , ever played in a 6on6 team.
    + if you haven’t played tf2 in like half a year, the divisions have drastically changed, and skill level has risen up, I have doubts that you would do well in div3.
    Just my opinion.

  2. Ghent: Team said:

    y4 bl0w.

  3. woody. said:

    your not div 2/3 mate. most people start with div6/5

  4. poxie said:

    Really, really, really not anywhere close to being div3

  5. tay said:


  6. n0va: T2P said:

    i know nostalgia from way back when!

    hes shit.


  7. _Ben: ;? said:

    nostalgia popped ziggys cherry no lie

  8. CommanderX: (ETF2L Donator) - TEZC said:

    Met him at lan. Nothing else to add.

  9. nvc said:

    Obviously he’s been out of TF2 for a while, but the guy is dedicated and any team would do well to pick him up and support his improvement. He’s also willing to play CSS mixes at 4am! (Zeyork could probably translate that to TF2 mixes).

  10. Greg: TEZC said:

    Known this guy for a fairly long time, he is a very decent source player and it won’t take him long to translate his css skills over to TF2, along with him picking up everything he remembers from when he used to play TF2. He is well worth a pickup, and after a few weeks of playing will easily slot into the div3 category

  11. Nostalgia said:

    I may be overstating my skill by saying div 3/2 but the only reason I’ve put that is because I’m assuming that Div 3 = old Div 4 with the introduction of Prem. Also, the main reason I said nothing below Div 3 because what I remember what just a ridiculous amount of teams that folded and pretty much did fuck all, apart from maybe one team in a hundred.

    Also it sounds a bit cunty with me putting “rather not EU” but that’s purely because I have difficulty understanding accents :)

  12. Spike Himself: TC said:

    The introduction of the Prem div caused a shift in div 1/2. For all the other divs, nothing has changed (i.e. plenty of teams to fill the empty spots).

  13. tapley: TEZC - TEZC said:

    Nos is a good lad, but much has changed in a year and a half in tf2! I myself play in div4 casually and the skill level is actually pretty decent, i’d say unless you have played a load of pickups recently and owned everyone you’ll fit into a div5/4 team. Not a comment on your skill but tf2 players as a whole have gotten better (Div6 players are still dribblers!)