ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Brazil Distegrento dimbalao!

Posted by fiend: | Last Online:

Okay so, since I've got the Scouts and Soldiers done, we need a Medic and a Demo for us.

Please don't add me if you are;
Not stable,
Not enjoying the game,
Already found a team,
Don't like Arabic accents,

or this;
"OH BOY WE LOST 2 GAMES IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEASON, BETTER LEAVE THE TEAM", I mean I already want you to be stable but this is another level of it.

We are going to have some maptalks and new strategies once the Roster is done.
and if you guys are avaible at that time, we will have some scrims.

The team itself speaks English but there are some pretty funny accents like mine.

If you're interested, hit me up on Steam.



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  1. FonexiA said:

    a little bump because I’m a faggot

  2. Cobz said:

    19:40 – time 2 be a faggot: Hey, how can I help you?
    19:40 – Cobz: well i added you cuz i wanted to trial for your time
    19:40 – Cobz: but i think
    19:40 – Cobz: i found a team anyways
    19:40 – Cobz: xD
    19:41 – time 2 be a faggot: Then why did you added me?
    19:41 – time 2 be a faggot: For wasting my time?
    19:41 – Cobz: WOW
    19:41 – Cobz: because i just found it
    19:41 – Cobz: sherlock
    19:41 – time 2 be a faggot: Good.
    19:41 – time 2 be a faggot is now Offline.

    Very friendly and polite guy, join them.

  3. FonexiA said:

    Okay so let me get this straight;

    When I don’t want you to waste my time while I was annoyed and frustrated a lot, I become arrogant, faggot, dickhead, douche and some ignorant caveman?
    Yeah, sounds pretty legit.

  4. TopJawa said:

    What classes are you looking for now?

  5. FonexiA said:

    updated the post

  6. Stone: PMW said:

    “but there are some pretty funny accents like mine” lel, that moment when you never talk you fagit

  7. jake110312: pop op - PT said:

    added :) i can play med well and im a “ok” demo

  8. $neaky: (ETF2L Donator) - A51 - hp said:

    Just dont even try he is the biggest dick I have ever come across

  9. h3x: bedgetf2 said: