ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldierSpy  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

International _noaim Highlander

Posted by Jesse James: | Last Online:

Hello everybody. We have a full team Highlander and looking for backups. All in the team is very skilled and are passionate at playing team fortress. We are all a german clan, but can also speak english very well – Which means, we prefer german players, but don't be shy, we will also read and consider the applications of non-german speaking players as well. We already recruited a player from England ;)

We are requesting from you flexibility in classes, friendly behaviour and time (Sunday and Monday evening after 20 o'clock )
We are offering you a friendly climated and funny team, from who you can learn a lot and much more important, the reason why you are here : Chance to play in Competitive mode.

We are playing on UGC Steel as well, and our first match will be on 21th Jan.

Looking forward for your registrations.

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 4 0 129
View Div 4/Div 5 1 163
View Div 4/Div 5 3 107
View Div 5/Div 6 9 257
View Div 5/Div 6 6 248


  1. Apox said:

    I can Be Backup as both spy and demo. Preferably Spy. got 150 hours as spy

  2. Jesse James said:

    We already have 2 spies. And I already told you what is lacking on your spy skills :)

    But as demo, sure you can participate ;-)

  3. Kazmakishan said:

    hey, i can play/backup as sniper

  4. BelovedKiller said:

    I can pyro or medic, not sure if i’m good enough for your team though!

  5. cyrus4264 said:

    I can be a back up spy/medic

  6. Jesse James said:

    @BelowedKiller I will write you this afternoon.

    @cyrus, there is a little Problem, you will probably never get the chance to play, since we have 2 spies and our medic is really reliable

  7. JJWasyl said:

    Hey, I can play/backup as sniper. Been playing since 2007 and I have ~300h of gameplay behind me.

  8. Apox said:

    @drotalion I Would very much like to as demoman. i already send a friend request so we can discuss things wider

  9. mustard said:

    Although I am not German I can backup for the soldier. I know how to use the class fairly well. Add me up on steam and we can talk