ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


MedicSoldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

European History#

Posted by BioS`: | Last Online:


We are Nevermind Gaming and we are looking for a Medic and Soldiers for complete our roster. We are french but we are able to speak english, and talk shit as well (like mothers joke and stuff)

About us :

– Div6/5 skill
– Friendly
– No Rage
– Have mumble and server with our MG

About you :

– Mature
– No Rager
– Friendly
– Playing about 4/5 times a week
– Div6/5 skill

for more information contact me or El Chupacabra

Team Profile

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  1. Izzy57 said:

    I have already mix with them, it’s a new team and it’s a correct d5 !! They can progress fast .
    If you want make good war and fun war lets play with them

  2. Osiris said:

    Free bump for a team with an amazing leader ! Most of their player are new but very motivated !

  3. MrArr1999 said:

    I would like to join. I don’t care about wining just having fun and playing tf2 for fun. I am only 12 and I am from the uk but in my spare time i play tf2. I am not a cod kid because i hate cod. And i am a premium tf2 player but sometimes play like a f2p player because i am quite bad. Ialso I have skype and a mic and i can record gameplay. I would say I am fairly mature and dosen’t rage and am quite friendly unless i am playing with my friends and i play everyday but at this very point in time (20/1/12) my internet has been quite bad for the last few days.

  4. J3r7y said:

    i would love to join, im very good at english and even better with scout. i can play almost every day all day. im friendly and looking to improve and have a good time. i have a mic so i can communicate. im new to competitive side of TF2 but been pubbing for a very long time with great succes ive also done some TF2lobbying (what i heard is 6 div is the “noobiest” so im into that)

    pls add me trough steam if intrested: Herra. J

  5. El Chupacabra said:

    MrArr1999 : Sorry, but we said we want mature players. I’m sure you’re a good guy but you’re 12. Born in 1999 ! You could barely be my son ! Moreover, you should have kids obligations which aren’t good for such thing as comp. Goodbye and good luck :)

    J3r7y : How can you explain the fact that you only have less than 1 hour on TF2 ?

  6. kebappower said:

    contact me on http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198049812782/

  7. Stuppa: .Dicknitas said:

    2strong for u

    nM. Hyk :<: why you won't send a message :'(
    nM. Hyk :<: on my thread

    fucking emo shut the fuck up

    scary emo is scary :(

  8. MrArr1999 said:

    I understand. I would say I am fairly mature for my age though (more mature than 99% of people in my school) and the reason i wanted to join was because i like competitive gaming and always wanted to play tf2 competitive myself. But thanks for actually responding

  9. CalypsowWw said:

    Great team really need some nice soldiers !!!

  10. BioS` said:

    bump :)