ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Soldier  Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Yikes!

Posted by y4k: | Last Online:

Well hello again.

We're signed up for season10 but have had roster problems very recently and now we're in the market for two soldiers for main spots in the team. Previous div5 experience is a must and ability to follow comms, main calling isn't required, although if you prefer to then we can work with that. English speaking with minimal rage (everyone says that), but only because I enjoy being the only one raging :D

We're looking for two soldiers, not a stereotypical pocket and roamer so feel free to trial regardless of what you think you might play or we might have already.

About us.
Dedicated and active team that's looking to push on and get better. Part of a large community with friendly mumble, match servers, community server and a host or weird and wonderful people (you've seen Monkeh on the ETF2L forums right?).

Any questions, trial arrangements or general nice things to say add me on steam as I don't often check the posts here.

Any tirades, angry comments or whining about skill, add tikcus on steam, specifically if you want to talk about unlocks, he'll be happy to chat with you :)

Team Profile

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 3 6 512
View Div 3 10 585
View Div 3 13 1003
View Div 3 30 1535
View Div 4/Div 5 45 1837
View Div 4/Div 5 10 325
View Div 6 19 1196
View Div 6 0 208
View Low- 7 363


  1. Monkeh: .:ne:. - .:ne:. said:

    “and a host or weird and wonderful people (you’ve seen Monkeh on the ETF2L forums right?).”

    If Yak could tell the difference between r’s and f’s then he’d be a great demoman, unfortunately he keeps mixing up his roll outs and just falls out instead! Shame.

    BTW, am I weird or wonderful?

    OT: nervousENERGY is best…blah, blah, blah. Yak and the guys are serious about improving quickly, so get in while you can I say….still reading this? Why? Add Yak and speak to him you numpty.

  2. atomic said:

    .:ne:. is da best community and their golden team deserves good soldier, gl lads :)

  3. Tommy the Cat said:


  4. marina: TSPAG said:

    ne are amazing to play with and these are a really great bunch of guys. btw if you guys want help/mentoring i’ll be glad to do it on the weekends or the odd day we arent playing

  5. lolage: TSPAG said:

    Amazing community, all awesome guys – these guys will go huge with the right sollies. GL guys

  6. atomic said:

    friendly bump and try him :)

  7. KOALA: PrettyGay said:

    dont be beech, join them :) very awesome community behind them also :)
    p.s. blinkboy is a fake italian, romanian. he is actually russian

  8. Tikcus said:


  9. atomic said:

    good team, loved to play with back in a while