ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European NeedsToBeDecided

Posted by jx53: | Last Online:

I will be starting a team of my own. I will need the following classes:
2x scout, pocket, demoman and medic.
I myself will be playing roamer.

We will be playing hopefully 3+ times a week. Days when we will be potentially playing: Monday-thursday + sunday.
Times will be STARTING from 18-19cet.
I will buy us a server and a mumble if I feel like our team is worth those.
Add me if this is fine with you. Once I've got 5 people and me we will do a few scrims and see how everything goes.

Name is not decided yet.
Also I am very strict with the times, if we schedule a scrim and you won't show up then fuck you find another team.

PLEASE, Don't bother unless you know you're a solid div5+ player.

EDIT: I've been getting a ton of requests, no spots are locked yet.

EDIT2: Please, do NOT ADD me for now. I've got 10+ players to trial for now.

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  1. sinr said:

    Errr, add me up please, since I can’t add you for obvious reasons.

  2. Metal Gear said:

    Hey, I’d be interested in trialing; would you mind adding me? Since, you know, I can’t add you directly.

  3. Snooki: VDOH said:

    Yeah same, add me :)

  4. NuTRiCuLa..ส้้: D925 said:

    div4 ? add me.

  5. B4n4n4m4n: Ol'dog said:

    Add me if it’s ok, Me and a demo are looking for a team together, so we already have some experience with eachother.