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Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Estonia nbik

Posted: | Last Online:

Why hello there!

* I've been playing for a while now with Estonians :P
* Looking for a good team who are eager to improve and do teamwork
* Active and have been shooting for a while(old div5).
* Know English, own a mic

Add me for trials and stuff :)

Shoot !

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:5776644 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined EESTI PREM [6v6] TheNewbie
Left Mau5 Gaming [6v6] nbik
Left Estonia [National 6v6 Team] Hei
Left Estonia [National Highlander Team] M2R
Left playmate [Highlander] rottencat
Joined Estonia [National Highlander Team] nbik
Joined Mau5 Gaming [6v6] Mikey
Left scenic [6v6] nbik
Joined Estonia [National 6v6 Team] fluster
Joined playmate [Highlander] rottencat
Joined scenic [6v6] fluster

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  1. fluster: scenic said:

    This guy. This guy right here. Pick him up. Don’t question it, just do it.

    Had fun playing with him in scenic during season 7. Was and still is a reliable scout with a penchant for backcapping. Let him shake off some of the rust and get him playing.

  2. freakz: [8U] said:

    Good scout, should carry S10 Div5 and then work his way up in divisions. Give him a trial and get him to play some more comp. ;)

  3. DCOY said:

    Oh hai trollbik :)
    friendly bump!

  4. . said:

    played against him few days ago, I would say he’s more midish div5 or something

  5. ouch said:

    nbik needs a bump :)

  6. nbik: ePrem said:

    Bump from me too! Trial me, top div5/awesome div4 teams :)