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Pyro  Div 2/Div 3 Skill, Highlander

Turkey Nimrod

Posted: | Last Online:

Hello there team leaders. I'm looking forward to press the m2 button in div2/3.

My etf2l profile isnt that convincing but feel free to trial me.

I'm 16 and Turkish. Don't expect a deep and a sexy voice in mumble. I am always active, you wont need a sub pyro.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:105072051 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Pain killers [6v6] Nimrod
Joined Pain killers [6v6] sbb
Left The Beach Boys [6v6] Nimrod
Left Montreal Screwjob [Highlander] Nimrod
Joined Montreal Screwjob [Highlander] Nimrod
Joined The Beach Boys [6v6] Nimrod
Left Maikalele's #1 Fan [1v1] Nimrod
Left Hempus is an Unpleasant Man [Highlander] Nimrod
Left Shish Kebaby [2v2] Nimrod
Left Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined Hempus is an Unpleasant Man [Highlander] Anus Stretcher
Joined Maikalele's #1 Fan [1v1] Nimrod
Joined Shish Kebaby [2v2] Nimrod
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Nimrod
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] STOGE
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] hemp
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] STOGE
Left Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] Nimrod
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Nimrod
Joined Yeezus Fanclub [6v6] Bren
Joined Turkiye [National Highlander Team] turkuaz
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] trucks
Left Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Nimrod
Joined Team Delta Pigs [Highlander] Bren
Left Bobcats [Highlander] Nimrod
Joined Bobcats [Highlander] 93 'til

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View Mid/Open 0 88
View Div 2/Div 3 11 483


  1. Manus: fluffy said:

    probably best pyro in this div, would easily carry div 1-2

  2. potte said:

    Bad friend and not so good pyro . He can play in low divs (5-6) .

  3. Nimrod said:

    Thanks a lot for the comment, I’m sure everybody will take it as a reference since you play in div 9.

  4. Bren said:

    Even though Whiskers is playing in the hl open he doesn’t belong there, would definitely recommend trialing him. Very reliable and keen on improving, good comms too.

  5. trucks said:

    Best lobby maker EU ***AAA***WOULD BUY AGAIN**AAA***