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DemomanScoutSoldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania morti

Posted: | Last Online:

a roamer with a lot of experience, wont play friday and Saturday

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:54350510 Add Friend

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Joined TEZC | 403 edition [6v6] reNew
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Left TEZC | 403 edition [6v6] Vendigo
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  1. stnr said:

    10/10 +++

  2. Angel of Hell said:

    love him,he has a great aim you need to take him)

  3. Castore: Skrbs - Š&S said:

    He is strong guy lol he can rape you soo its betther to be in one team with him :3

    Pure Skill


  4. Angel of Hell said:


  5. Angel of Hell said:


  6. morti said:
