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Medic  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

France méloche

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I'm Meloche, playing medic in a highlander team, i was playing scout in 6v6 but we've got do forget it. I am available most evenings from 6pm to 11pm (CEST) and weekends.
I've been playing in French league, I know my positions, my calls and/or whatever else…
I'd like to prefer a team who already exist, but if we have to form a new one, I've got a good demoman with me, a good pocket too…

I speak English, German (nur ein bisschen) but i can main call in English (i still have to improve this part of my job)

What i don't want?
-raging players
-new team who's gonna fold in 3 days or in first defeat.

What i want?
-players available to play at least 3/4(see for more) times a week
-players with a minimum of experiment
-Players who understand that losing is part of the game

So! see you on steam,
feel free to add me: http://steamcommunity.com/id/meloche/

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:47475827 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Pipe Dreams [6v6] méloche
Joined Pipe Dreams [6v6] almightybob
Left Vulgaris sponsored by Lethal-Zone [6v6] Rachnus
Joined Vulgaris sponsored by Lethal-Zone [6v6] Rachnus
Left Kawaii desu~ [6v6] méloche
Joined Kawaii desu~ [6v6] amelia watson
Left xRize [6v6] méloche
Left xRize [hl] [Highlander] méloche
Joined xRize [6v6] méloche
Joined xRize [hl] [Highlander] méloche

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