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Soldier  Low Skill, 6v6

Netherlands Match

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey guys.

Been playing pubs mainly, sadly, so I don't really have a real estimate of my skill. I'm always looking to improve myself, and I'm currently just looking for a clan to play matches with. Contact me if you're interested, anddd that's it, really.

Some material from a random TF2 Lobby match: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grf4S54GBm0

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37957320 Add Friend

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  1. lolage: TSPAG said:

    hey dude,

    try having a look at http://www.tf2lobby.com

    failing that add me, and ill get you involved with some mixes. :)


  2. Match: [WW] said:

    I’ve played ~15 TF2 Lobby matches, and it’s pretty fun. It’s just really hard to get a real game without stuff happening like the Medic switching to Spy or some such, which is why I’d prefer a clan. I’ll send you a message over Steam or such.

  3. Match: [WW] said:

    Bumped with a youtube vid. :V

  4. Match: [WW] said:

    Hurp durp, link would be nice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Grf4S54GBm0 <– random TF2 Lobby match, just grabbed some frags and put them in a row.

  5. Exfane: EPA - TWIN said:

    sadly most of the pickup channels are dead coz of tf2lobby.
    I would recommend you to contact some of the clans yourself and try to form a mix with some tf2 players.
    als je nog hulp nodig heb, ik kan altijd een mede-kaaskop helpen, kan je me adden