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Soldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Slovakia marez

Posted: | Last Online:

I am roaming soldier with div 6 skill but could handle div 5 with proper team. Mumble and teamspeak are certainty, I am pretty fluent in speaking in English and almost always able to play. I would like to be in team which is scrimming at least 2-3 times a week but it is not a must.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:90259743 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined vacat [6v6] dias
Left Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Muerte
Joined Virtual Λlliance [6v6] Muerte
Left Easy Step [6v6] DoMin
Joined 9 ☆ STUNNAS [Highlander] juan
Joined Easy Step [6v6] Fickus
Left We replaced a dropped team [6v6] marez
Joined We replaced a dropped team [6v6] Robeomega
Left Let's start the show [6v6] marez
Joined Let's start the show [6v6] Adrian
Left Pretty Intense by TEZC [6v6] marez
Joined mareeeez [1v1] marez
Joined Pretty Intense by TEZC [6v6] marez
Left Something to do with bears [6v6] marez
Joined Something to do with bears [6v6] marez
Left jarate drinkers [6v6] marez
Joined jarate drinkers [6v6] marez
Left lost paradise [Highlander] olurist20052005
Joined lost paradise [Highlander] marez
Left Torn Together Colonials [Highlander] marez
Joined Torn Together Colonials [Highlander] marez

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 23 544
View Div 6 1 198
View Div 6 3 213
View Div 6 1 229
View Div 2 4 266


  1. Robeomega said:

    Good player but I wish he could be a worse spy he always gets at least 3 chain stabs which makes be drop my uber :(
    Valve nurf marez plz :)

  2. fraac: JOHN - CENATION said:

    actually quite good

  3. Zyberst: TT said:

    He’s got good DM and he definitely wants to improve :)

  4. Pathetic One: soL. said:

    New player, a bit headstrong but serious about improving. Makes some sneaky roamer plays, including effective spy offclasses.

  5. Twisted: :think: - GRAHAM said:

    Very stable div 5-6 player looking to improve.

    Someone I would recommend :P

  6. EssEs said:

    Sweet roamer who playes and stepps in at any time

  7. Tom: RR - BA. said:

    Good solly, he had his mind set on improving and he has, loads. :D

  8. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:


  9. trepa4a said:

    Cool and friendly guy and also a good roamer

  10. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:


  11. Switch: soL. - T⑨ said:

    Would carry a div6 team. Would fit nicely in a div5 team. Deathmatching is very good and game sense is solid. Would definitely recommend for 5/6 team.

  12. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    :O wouldnt expect such a good criticism from you switch :OOO

  13. marez: vc - 9 ☆ said:

    mega bbuummpp