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Spy  Div 2 Skill, Highlander

Israel ManTouched

Posted: | Last Online:

I'm not bad anymore so we decided that there's no point of our team anymore and folded.

Hence, I'm looking for a stable UGC team to play as a main spy on plat.

I prefer a team which isn't so new because those new teams usually fold after a season :s
I also prefer a team who will most likely to play the next ETF2L season as well.

Add me for more info or if you want to trial me and have a nice day :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:73319334 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Eleight [2v2] ManTouched
Left Israel [National Highlander Team] JackyLegs
Left Official F#ck Boy Club [Highlander] ox.
Joined Official F#ck Boy Club [Highlander] ox.
Left Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] ManTouched
Joined Tactical Retreat ESports [Highlander] Ecophagy
Left GOALstar [Highlander] ManTouched
Joined GOALstar [Highlander] JackyLegs
Left Premature Overextenders [Highlander] ManTouched
Joined Premature Overextenders [Highlander] 31
Left Mad? [Highlander] Akwilon
Joined Mad? [Highlander] JoeTea
Left ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] ManTouched
Joined Israel [National Highlander Team] BraveHeart
Joined Team IKEA [6v6] Lyrete
Left JRTX Competitive 6s Team [6v6] Leagle_
Joined ManTouchéd is Bad [Highlander] Lyrete
Left Infinite Happiness [Highlander] ManTouched
Joined Spotted Dick [6v6 Fun Team] Lyrete
Left Pussy Hunters [6v6 Fun Team] ManTouched
Joined Pussy Hunters [6v6 Fun Team] CapricorN
Left Spotted Dick [6v6 Fun Team] ManTouched
Joined Spotted Dick [6v6 Fun Team] Lyrete
Joined JRTX Competitive 6s Team [6v6] Leagle_
Left Team IKEA [6v6] ManTouched
Joined Infinite Happiness [Highlander] pingu
Left Team IKEA [Highlander] ManTouched
Joined Team IKEA [6v6] ManTouched
Joined Team IKEA [Highlander] ManTouched

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 18 701
View Div 2/Div 3 2 243
View Div 2/Div 3 20 852
View Div 3 13 469
View Div 3 22 702
View Div 3/Div 4 13 433
View Div 5/Div 6 8 348


  1. Lyrete: BAGC - RUN! said:

    lol no it’s fairly obvious he’s still bad

  2. BoneSponge said:


  3. ManTouched: IKEA said:

    Lyrete plsIf I’m still bad then why did the team fold?

  4. JackyLegs: 4SKINGS - SDCK! said:

    great spy, amazing plays and without a doubt, the best spy our country has to offer.
    very friendly and kind, and would recommend for any team out there, can do div 1.

  5. Leagle_: + - ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡9 said:

    He had a team named after him, he must be good, oh wait.
    Jokes aside, great person and a good spy. He deserves a good team.

  6. JoeTea said:

    Always seemed a solid Spy, maybe a little passive sometimes? Always seemed nice too, should be a good pickup :)

  7. ManTouched: IKEA said:

    UPDATE: I found a team to sub for so I’m only looking for a main plat spot

  8. regen: o7 said:

    Thinks he’s hot stuff after dominating me in a pub.
    Still very bad.
    Please take him away. :3

  9. ManTouched: IKEA said:

    Bump :s