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SoldierSpy  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

Lithuania mantasJESUS

Posted: | Last Online:

Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening,
My name is Mantas in Game I'm known as ( L1thu4ni4n) Im 19 Years of age and I Live in Dublin(Ireland)
Im Looking For 2 Teams one Is for Highlander other for 6v6.First
I'm div4/5 Roaming soldier who is looking for a team.
I play a lot of pickups,mixes,lobbies and I spend good bit of time on MGE Servers.
I got a good enough game sense to compete with other div4/div5 players and I got a good edge in DM.
I'm Currently studying in uni and i got a part time job with leaves me with not much time to practice , but uni year is about to be over so ll have more time to practice.
I'm Free to play in mornings everyday from 11am-4pm and evening from 9pm-xx o'clock. Im free on weekends unless I'm out on a rip.
I work from 5-8:30 so at those times you wont be able to contact me .
I will be attending i49 . AND IM LOOKING FOR A TEAM FOR LAN !!!!!!
Highlander :
I can play div 2-3 spy never tried to get recruted for spy so dont know what else to add .
That is All From Me , Hope To hear from whom ever is Reading
Take Care,

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:52751938 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Team Chode [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left TEZC | RED [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined TEZC | RED [6v6] unexpected.
Left Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Left Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Doctrinal [6v6] mantasJESUS
Left LifeTimeClan [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined Team Chode [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left 4ever [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Joined LifeTimeClan [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined 4ever [Highlander] mantasJESUS
Left LioL [6v6] mantasJESUS
Joined LioL [6v6] mantasJESUS

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 4/Div 5 18 758
View Div 4/Div 5 3 398
View Div 4/Div 5 9 538
View Div 4/Div 5 30 1195
View Div 5/Div 6 6 550
View Div 6 0 207


  1. mantasJESUS said:


  2. add said:

    Why the hell does this guy not have a team het? Really nice guy and had decent gamesense already back when I started playing with him in my first team. Pick him up, GL

  3. mantasJESUS said:


  4. mantasJESUS said:

    looking for team

  5. mantasJESUS said:


  6. mantasJESUS said:
