ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanEngineerHeavyMedicPyroScoutSniperSoldier  Div 5/Div 6 Skill, Highlander

International Manic Street Preachers

Posted by Bo0n3: | Last Online:

ManicStP is a HL team players that We need :
As i am Spy
I Will need someone to help run the team as i am semi new Thanks :)

Hours needed per class is 100 keep in mind where you live this is a uk team and the practise server is uk so lag/ping might be an problem if you live some where else

These things are needed as a player Mumble /// good mic /// good english /// friendly and fun!

Add me on steam and comment on my profile so i know who you are if you are interested.

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  1. Cyber: ◄PmP► - SWPLD said:

    Hello I saw your offers on the Recruitment and I am interested to join as soldier. I have about 120 hours as soldier and about 1300 hours in TF2. Please reply or add me on steam.

  2. daz said:

    hi i would like to join your team i am intrested in being sniper

  3. Samus: BEER - Dr. med. said:

    Hello, I’m interested in joining your team as an Engie.
    I don’t have the 100 hours on Engie atm, but my stats were reset some 200 hours ago.
    Add me on Steam if interested.

  4. slimshady: gandhi is said:

    hi add me

  5. Mango: NWP said:

    hello, I’d like to join as pyro. add me! :D

  6. PrepareUranus: [M.P] - TGR said:

    Hey I’l like to join as a soldier or a sub-soldier. Add me on Steam…

  7. Nunozki said:

    hi m8, i would like to join ur team as pyro :-)

  8. MiniGamer41 said:

    i would like to join your team as main sniper or sub http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198147614041/

  9. thehalohobbit said:

    im intrested as being scout

  10. Miles: THL said:

    I would like to sniper i have 300+ hours on it add me pl0x

  11. Olav: †2Pac said:

    I’d love to join your team, I’m a solly main, but can probably play some other classes as a sub (note: sub). I’m really looking to play soldier. I have ~1k hours in the game with something like 200 on solly (my stats have been reset multiple times). I added you, but your comment profile was locked, so I couldn’t make a comment for some reason. I have good DM and I’m currently working on my gamesense. I’m from west-west-south Norway, so my ping in UK servers are decent (I get 60 in luxem servers and ~20-40 in stockholm). I’d love to play with you to prove my skill, as hours don’t really matter imo. Hit me up!

  12. FLiKs said:

    I’d really like to play as scout in your team.
    I’ve got good microphone, and I live in Poland, so lag won’t be a problem.
    My TF2Center experience:

  13. Istiden1: SIBW said:


    I have 2.4k hours on tf2, and I would be interested in playing heavy, sniper, spy or medic. (But you are the spy so scratch that)
    My home country is Sweden, and I can speak proper english, even though the accent can be a bit wierd :p.

  14. MindBl4st: THECULT said:

    I’m interested in playing main pyro. I have 100+ hrs on the class and I’ve been on UGC team before. I live in Ireland so my ping on British servers will be fine, I have mumble and a ok mic. I have almost 1,000 hrs on the game :D. I added you but I can’t comment on your profile.

  15. Jakob said:

    Hi, my name is Jakob or LockDown on Steam, and I would like to be a part of your team. I am only 13, but I do play a lot of TF2 and have 100+ hours as Sniper, Demo and Heavy. The only problem is that I do not have mumble, but I could use the in-game chat or Skype to communicate. I have been in one team before (in the Iron division on UGC) but I didn’t enjoy playing with them. Hopefully you will take me into consideration and not let my age be the deciding factor. If you want to talk to me then just add me! I will most likely be adding you, but just incase you forget my steam name is LockDown. Have a nice day!

  16. Vantavia.: EcDucks said:

    Sniper Main LFT:
    1553h Overall
    Probably over 1000h Sniper

  17. Cranked: nc | said:

    Hi There,
    I’m relatively new to the competitive scene, and have 0 lobbies. At this point, feel free to pass up this comment.
    350+ hours of TF2
    53 hours of scout
    able to play Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Weekends from 4:30 till 9 (varies on Weekends)
    I’m doing this to learn, have fun and prove to myself that I’m good.
    1 and a half year old steam account.
    I’m 14 years of age.
    http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198115685896/ <- my steam profile

    I'd love to be your scout (I second spy, also), so shoot me a message and we can have a discussion or a trial about my role in your team

  18. Mab: SSF said:

    Yo, I’m Mab, never played competitive TF2 in my life, started playing TF2 Center recently and have started to enjoy it. I got over 1000 hours on TF2 and I most likely is seen playing on it at least 1 a day. I’m 16 years of age, nearly 17 and have access to Skype, Mumble, TS.
    I main Pryo, but also I can strongly play Soilder and Spy.
    Steam Profile http://steamcommunity.com/id/MabsPlace/

  19. DereK: tbag said:

    Hey ı am alisha ı am played season 7 and ı know how to play 9v9. I have 1550 hours on tf2 ı have 100+ lobbies, mix and pickup games. My think ı am better than cyber ıf u want trial me add me :)

  20. Mab: SSF said:

    I’m Interested In Pryo

  21. Hoxo: Team Infacreep said:

    1000+ hours on tf2 and i would like to play engineer for your team


  22. Bradez97 said:

    Hello, I have around 1200 hours on tf2, with around 91 hours being on medic. I have participated in the previous highlander open and am interested in joining a new team. I main medic and engineer and am usually available between 4:30pm and 11:00pm GMT. Add me if you would like to discuss. Thanks.

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