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MedicScout  Div 3/Div 4 Skill, 6v6

Portugal mya

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi :)

I'm looking for a team for this Season, my main is Medic and prefer playing div 3, but I also wanna try playing Scout div 4.

So about me:

I'm Helena, I'm 18 years old and I'm from Portugal. I can play everyday from 19:00CEST to 22:30CEST.
I'm willing to watch demos and do maptalks, I can take criticism and I always try to learn with my mistakes. I listen to what people tell me and I almost never rage (only if people keep doing the same mistake over and over and don't listen…). If i play medic I would prefer to not maincall but if it's needed I could give it a shot.

I expect a team that is fun to play with, that is active (can play atleast 3 times a week), with people who can take criticism and always tell me what's wrong or if I should do anything diferent.

Basically I'm looking for a team to improve with and to have fun! :D

Add me if you want me to trial for you or have any questions.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:84425180 Add Friend

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Left Danger Dogs [6v6] Nagi
Joined Danger Dogs [6v6] misha YB`g
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  1. rusk0': |LP| said:

    Biggest boobs in ETF2L, you won’t be dissapointed.

  2. Concrete: Calavera - Nave said:


  3. Concrete: Calavera - Nave said:

    Hottest ass in ETF2L, you won’t be dissapointed.

  4. Nacho: TTS said:

    She’s a very good luna, pick her ;)

  5. Nacho: TTS said:

    She carries at l4d2 too, and best minecraft player ever…Worth it, go go go

  6. Nacho: TTS said:

    But sucks at tf2

  7. rusk0': |LP| said:

    Best entry fragger in CS:GO!

  8. Xenosake said:

    Very nice player :D

    She is very nice medic !!

  9. rusk0': |LP| said:

    calate puto q nem 12 anos tem

  10. Kaneco said:

    she’s a keeper :3

  11. Dark: A4 said:



  12. Dark: A4 said:

    GAJA BOA <3

  13. Johnny said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JmfOzFzYumo olha do que me lembrei xD

  14. Fr3d' said:

    Added you for trial when you can talk with me

  15. Concrete: Calavera - Nave said: