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EngineerHeavyMedicScout  Open Skill, Highlander

International Lux

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey im lux im looking for a highlander team cause i want to become better in a comp sense as i have hit a roadblock with pubs i main engi but can fill in for heavy medic and scout dc is luxa_llure and ill be able to get on most afternoons and sometimes all day and im from the us

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:1263310701 Add Friend

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  1. Denys: Николай - Второй said:


  2. Denys: Николай - Второй said:


  3. Pybroski: PALACE said:

    Hey there Lux, I am from Paralysis Palace, we are an Open/Fresh Meat team, we accept fresh meats and train them to become capable HL players, if interested contact the leader via discord:


    Since the next season is is 2 months, we have enough time to get you in shape, we currently need a medic and saw that you are willing to play medic.

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