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EngineerHeavyMedicSoldier  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

England LowRezz

Posted: | Last Online:

Ex UGC Silver player. Looking to enjoy some comp tf2 again. 2k hours on TF2 and 100+ hours of comp experience. Can main call if needs be.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:39463422 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Sweaty Hoffmen [Highlander] LowRezz
Left T-A!: TROLLIED [6v6] Rob!
Joined T-A!: TROLLIED [6v6] LowRezz
Left Sixxy Hoffmen [6v6] LowRezz
Joined Sixxy Hoffmen [6v6] LowRezz
Joined Sweaty Hoffmen [Highlander] LowRezz

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  1. Sapphires'' said:

    Played with him for about a season. Enjoyable to play with. 2 good for div6 tho..

  2. ThaZimmer said:

    He should be a carry pickup in div 6 even with his break.

  3. prof ¬_¬ said:

    great guy, great maincaller, only weakness is dota. far too good to be playing div6.

  4. TJB said:

    Was pretty sick back in the day, probably still as good now

  5. Asaaj said:

    Why div6