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Soldier  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

Netherlands lordarnoud

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I'm 19 years old and I'm from the Netherlands and looking for a team to play in.
I haven't had any competitive experience yet so I'm hoping I'll be given the chance to prove myself and to improve my skills :)

Some additional info: I'm an active player. I don’t rage/curse and always play for the team and have great communication. I've played in competitive halo for a few years and am one of the better players in the heavy weapon community. While playing halo I have played over a 1000 competitive matches(and over 3200 hours) so I know how to work and communicate as a team. I can play as most of the classes but it depends on the situation on how well I do in the games.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:37182227 Add Friend

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