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Soldier  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Finland Limp.

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking Div3 Soldier spot, roamer or pocket. I think I could easily battle in div2 when in form, but haven't really achieved anything to prove it just some mixing. Could consider lower if you are real sweeties, I don't really fancy backup spot.

Finnish, 21 years old
Quiet and boring person, I don't talk much.
I love beer and vodka and I talk more when drunk.(also play better.)
I am sore loser and will probably rage(proper Finnish rage), trash talk, cry and act like a little bitch and other bad mannered stuff when I'm mad.
But deep in my heart I'm real sweetheart.
Can English. (Could maybe main call as pocket if have to).
Can play pretty much any date and time (within say about 1h notice).
Will beat you in Quake duel on ztn.
Rumor says: Slowest sense EU.
I also seem to have some sort fetish towards mint-green color, it really turns me on.

Be serious and want to improve and go up in divs.
Don't be like massive fucking idiots (in and outside of game) and I'm fine.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:65867224 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Elderly Pixel Adventurers [6v6] demsii
Left HELP HELPERS [6v6] Konna
Left Rageaholics Anonymous [Highlander] demsii
Joined HELP HELPERS [6v6] Konna
Left Team Solidus [6v6] Limp.
Joined Team Solidus [6v6] slaw
Left PHEMXX [6v6] Limp.
Joined K O N N A B O Y S [2v2] Konna
Joined Rageaholics Anonymous [Highlander] Nesh
Left #SDW [Highlander] Limp.
Joined PHEMXX [6v6] b33p
Left Simon's Liver Casserole [6v6] Limp.
Joined Simon's Liver Casserole [6v6] wicked
Left Team Unofficial Dikker Fan Club [6v6] Limp.
Joined Team Unofficial Dikker Fan Club [6v6] ian
Left Finland [National Highlander Team] Toba
Left Voitolla Yöhön [6v6] Limp.
Left placeholder [6v6 Fun Team] Limp.
Joined Voitolla Yöhön [6v6] BAITO
Joined placeholder [6v6 Fun Team] quell
Joined Finland [National Highlander Team] Limp.
Left Mai Ingrush iz table [6v6] Limp.
Joined Mai Ingrush iz table [6v6] Limp.
Left Guru Gaming [6v6] Limp.
Joined Guru Gaming [6v6] Limp.
Left Poorly Raised [6v6] Limp.
Left Leather dudes [6v6 Fun Team] Limp.
Joined Leather dudes [6v6 Fun Team] Limp.
Left Kupruilevat Elefantit [6v6 Fun Team] Limp.
Joined Kupruilevat Elefantit [6v6 Fun Team] shötZ
Joined Poorly Raised [6v6] shötZ
Left REVERTO [6v6] Limp.
Joined #SDW [Highlander] Muffinz
Left Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Limp.
Joined REVERTO [6v6] oxiidee
Left Maffia is ree [6v6] Mortti
Joined Maffia is ree [6v6] Mortti
Left World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Limp.
Joined World United Hippies Of The Free [6v6] Punkka
Joined Highlander tiimi [Highlander] Punkka
Left No Talent [6v6] Limp.
Joined No Talent [6v6] Fev!

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  1. Hank: FAINT said:

    good lad, div3 for sure <3

  2. Muffinbaskets said:

    Really nice and dedicated, always there when you need him. Like said, div3 for sure and y not in div2 also. Hopefully you’ll find stable team with people who are willing to improve.

    eli siis iha paras!!1

  3. iZon! :7: LEGO - LEGO said:

    One of the best finish players i know :) Easly div 3 and div 2 when he is back in shape.

  4. lhs: slc. - HHH said:

    Cool and funny guy with nice aim, always tracks never flicks.

    hyvä äijä hoitaa hommansa. Best of luck!

  5. Maffi: REVERTO said:

    div 2 ez

  6. MInd: [hePPa] said:

    “One of the best finish players i know :)” You don’t really know many finnish players then? jkjk, Limp is a nice guy. Shit LG aim and rages when loses in QL. But who doesn’t.

  7. demsii: EPA said:

    Is also better than shötz.

    Great guy and can do good shiz with a decent team around him (without shötz).

    gl Limpe!

  8. Muffinbaskets said:


  9. profix: FLANK said:

    nice guy! Good luck! :)

  10. Limp.: EPA said:
