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Sniper  High Skill, Highlander

England lew

Posted: | Last Online:

sniper d2 or mid tbh idc i just want dopamine.
hamachi#9270 (or add on steam)
on vacation for a bit currently

was playing on this for last offi) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1076143331597361254/1122943182066417885/3b1ea2b9-1de1-40f0-9bc2-f42acd8f6bcb.jpg

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:422224000 Add Friend

Team History

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Left dropem(FAKEONE) [6v6] ethereal
Joined dropem(FAKEONE) [6v6] Depruu
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Left dying in xxstyle [6v6] lew
Joined dying in xxstyle [6v6] NightFall
Left crack house [6v6] lew
Left nextseason [Highlander] ethereal
Joined draingangalbania [2v2] lew
Joined nextseason [Highlander] ethereal
Left Cult of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] lew
Joined Cult of 256 Sponsored by Dummy [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Left ado [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Joined crack house [6v6] ethereal
Left PISTONS [6v6] lew
Joined happy friends [6v6 Fun Team] S0rce
Joined ado [Highlander] Nyomo Reka
Joined PISTONS [6v6] corben
Left Unknown Quantities [6v6] lew
Joined Unknown Quantities [6v6] feasty
Left Hakurei Shrine [6v6] lew
Joined Hakurei Shrine [6v6] S0rce
Left Unknown Quantities [6v6] lew
Joined Unknown Quantities [6v6] feasty
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Left Avangard [Highlander] Fartsa
Left Cristiano Ronaldo & Neymar [2v2] S0rce
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Left -menwithnolegs- [6v6] lew
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Joined Cristiano Ronaldo & Neymar [2v2] S0rce
Left Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Brick May
Joined Rat Gang: Bricked Up [Highlander] Brick May
Left Monday With Guz [Highlander] lew
Joined Monday With Guz [Highlander] Guz
Left Ethereal+8 [Highlander] ethereal
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Joined -menwithnolegs- [6v6] feasty
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Joined ashley is epic!! [6v6] Vibing
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Previous Recruitment Posts

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View High 15 871
View Mid 22 550


  1. Timka said:

    easily one of top if not top mid sniper.
    only weakness is positioning but that comes with more games.

  2. one said:


  3. Samael: HV said:

    Great aim

  4. sunflower said:


  5. ethereal said:

    Actual insane player and great friend pick him up

  6. Fartsa: AVN said:

    strong man

  7. mtilicious said:


  8. zelvo said:

    best aim in mid, positions like open kid

  9. red: HV said:


  10. wxnted: DE said:


  11. swing: 2MNYCHDS said:

    based, pick him up easy carry

  12. Vibing: Issue? - #BMEAT said:


  13. Brick May: TEMU said:

    cracked aim

  14. fnzkie: C9 said:


  15. starboy said:

    ☎helloふぁくぁ triggerbot

  16. s0rce said:

    ehhhh kinda ehhhhhh
    personally if i was making a mid team i wouldnt get lewdio
    very ehhhhhh very mehhhhh
    like youd be good for low but mid hm?????
    not sure not sure
    but i find if reason to fit in team maybe i let
    but i see no reason since its meh and eh sniper
    i would not get cause like kinda very not good id say
    like this is personal very like bottom mid and bottom low maybe top open
    with some luck ofc you know what if luck was in tf2 what if crits were in comp
    i wish they addedcrits to comp
    it owuld make lewdio such a great player he could random crit with rifle to compensate ofr his aim
    thats so ocol from top open to mid low would actually be crazy
    like extremely eh sniper id say wouldnt get if me was leader
    perosnally i donyt agree with lewdio on this i think hes very not good like meh and not great and not like good not good i say NOT GOOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    jk x3
    extremely good aimer good luck noob…

  17. s0rce said:

    i lied in the last part YOU SUCK

  18. ethereal said:

    ehhhh kinda ehhhhhh
    personally if i was making a mid team i wouldnt get lewdio
    very ehhhhhh very mehhhhh
    like youd be good for low but mid hm?????
    not sure not sure
    but i find if reason to fit in team maybe i let
    but i see no reason since its meh and eh sniper
    i would not get cause like kinda very not good id say
    like this is personal very like bottom mid and bottom low maybe top open
    with some luck ofc you know what if luck was in tf2 what if crits were in comp
    i wish they addedcrits to comp
    it owuld make lewdio such a great player he could random crit with rifle to compensate ofr his aim
    thats so ocol from top open to mid low would actually be crazy
    like extremely eh sniper id say wouldnt get if me was leader
    perosnally i donyt agree with lewdio on this i think hes very not good like meh and not great and not like good not good i say NOT GOOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    jk x3
    extremely good aimer good luck noob…

  19. feasty: wL. - wL. said:

    Unreal Gameplay, good pick

  20. s0rce said:

    why tf did u copy me ethereal

  21. figerok: F6 said:

    ehhhh kinda ehhhhhh
    personally if i was making a mid team i wouldnt get lewdio
    very ehhhhhh very mehhhhh
    like youd be good for low but mid hm?????
    not sure not sure
    but i find if reason to fit in team maybe i let
    but i see no reason since its meh and eh sniper
    i would not get cause like kinda very not good id say
    like this is personal very like bottom mid and bottom low maybe top open
    with some luck ofc you know what if luck was in tf2 what if crits were in comp
    i wish they addedcrits to comp
    it owuld make lewdio such a great player he could random crit with rifle to compensate ofr his aim
    thats so ocol from top open to mid low would actually be crazy
    like extremely eh sniper id say wouldnt get if me was leader
    perosnally i donyt agree with lewdio on this i think hes very not good like meh and not great and not like good not good i say NOT GOOOD AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    jk x3
    extremely good aimer good luck noob…

  22. lit: L_? - DBLE said:


  23. Morbus: BBG said:

    low with potential imo

  24. fnzkie: C9 said:

    better than mid div