ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Scout  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Kiss Kiss

Posted: | Last Online:

-I can aim/gamesense/etc
-I use my mic
-Main Scout, offclass Solly(Div5ish)
-Prefer roam to pocket
-Can utility
-Active (no-life)

-You need to be active, I'd say 4 days a week at least.
-I'm not looking to benchwarm
-Stable lineup. If you got like, 20 people in your team and still need another I'm not interested.
-Relatively rage free. I can handle a little bit, but its a problem when it starts overshadowing calls.
-English speakers.

Recent History:
Played last season with TC:Snor. Disappointing results caused by roster trouble and lack of practice. Joined Hmmm briefly before it became apparent it wouldn't last, so decided to leave and find another team for the next season.

Previous recruitment post with ppl sayin nice things:

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:17428892 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined Moustache Gaming [6v6] gibix
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Joined Team Chode [Highlander] Kiss Kiss
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Left UCAP eSports [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Left ? [Highlander] Lokter
Joined UCAP eSports [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Joined ? [Highlander] Lokter
Left Epidemic Outbreak [Highlander] Kiss Kiss
Left BEARS [6v6] cribbe
Joined Epidemic Outbreak [Highlander] cribbe
Joined BEARS [6v6] cribbe
Left Snorlander McRænerupmon [Highlander] Kiss Kiss
Left Team Colonslash: Pokemon [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Joined Snorlander McRænerupmon [Highlander] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined Team Colonslash: Pokemon [6v6] Zealos
Left beyblades [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Joined Too many wdcttrrrr [2v2] SiTeHBu0mbb
Joined beyblades [6v6] rytis
Left Moustache Gaming [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Left nope [Highlander] Kiss Kiss
Joined nope [Highlander] Spike Himself
Joined Moustache Gaming [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Left The Hampshire Heavies 2nd Team [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Joined The Hampshire Heavies 2nd Team [6v6] Akasazh
Left Straight Rippin! [6v6] Kiss Kiss
Joined Straight Rippin! [6v6] rikZu
Left X-Squad [6v6 Fun Team] Milo
Left X-Squad [6v6] Milo
Joined X-Squad [6v6 Fun Team] Milo
Joined X-Squad [6v6] Kiss Kiss

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 3/Div 4 3 241
View Div 3/Div 4 16 503
View Div 4 11 856
View Div 4 18 492
View Div 4 20 879
View Div 4/Div 5 6 386
View Div 5 4 381
View Low+ 1 343


  1. knife crime: -IFLH- said:

    nice guy. really has no life. GL

  2. SiTeHBu0mB: DOWN said:

    THIS GUY needs to get on DEM PIPES.

    Nah, nice guy he play the sc99t and goes sn99per every now and then.

    “Good scout, Godlike sniper, doesn’t wait for scope” – KissKiss

    Nah, just trial him and give him a shot, more of a support scout than real aggressor himself.


  3. Kiss Kiss: 8{ - 8D said:

    Thx for the tip SiTeH

    Thx for informing everybody that I am lookin for Scout, I’m sure thats the kinda info a team is lookin for in the comments

    Thx for the appraisal too, but do you think next time you might not reference me, its only that when you do that it kinda defeats the object of you know, posting in my recruitment post.

    Thx for also informing everybody that I am the janitor scout, just cleanin up and gettin them caps. Everybody appreciates and respect the cleaners.

    Especially thx for the luck, I mean, thats totally whats stopping me from goin Prem. Not enough luck.

  4. Toms said:

    Ultra keen beast scout and a nice guy to boot!
    Kissy kiss kiss kiss

  5. DHUGOGOGUG: iH said:

    give him a team

  6. northhhhhh said:

    mercs for us lots and lots and is a super cool guy and a good scout and good comms and super laid back

    would probably pick him up if we didn’t already have scoots :d

  7. SiTeHBu0mB: DOWN said:

    Image Would you rather be called good-looking or attractive? Is there a difference between a good looking and attractive person? To many probably not but I believe there’s a thin line that separates those two words. A person might be very good-looking yet not attractive. How is that possible one might ask? Well the answer is very simple; it all depends on the attitude and personality. While working at Express I get a chance to observe people, their behavior and image and what role it plays in overall appearance. Let’s admit it we all judge people at one point or another. When you meet someone the first impression is solely based on looks. Some people look at the smile, some at the eyes, some at clothes, hair or height. Even if you don’t want to admit it we judge people on their appearance. Yet that impression is very superficial and short lasting. When you go home the thing that stands out most in your mind is not the physical appearance but the overall image and that includes the attitude. So even though in today’s society physical appearnace plays a significant role, it is the attitude that one projects which determines the overall image. So in order to distinguish the difference between good looks and attractivness we must see how both physical appearance and attitude effects each one of them. So lets start with physical appearance. The make up you wear, the clothes, shape of your body, hair are all part of your appearnace. Looking at someone these are qualities we first perceive. Physical appearance plays a huge role in our society. It helps you in many ways. People treat you differently when you look good. Let’ s look at example. Working at Express I’ve realized that image very imprtant in interaction between people. It both affects the costumer and the associate. A costumer who is nicely dressed, has his hair done has an advantage over a person who is not well put together. The sales person is more likely to approach the well groomed person becuase of the image she presents. Her look says ‘I know how to dress, I want to get some help, so come and help me’ I don’t personally agree with this but this is just human tendency to judge people on their outward appearance. The same thing goes for the associate. A costumer is more willingly to accept opinion from someone who has a good image rather than someone who doesn’t look professional. The look builds up the credibility but that’s when the attitude comes into picture. Because no matter how both the costumer and associate looks is the attitude is bad no one will benefit. So how does attitude effect our impression of a person. Attitude is a way one acts, talks, carries oneself, and it also includes personality and inside. Anyone can look good with right make up, hair, clothes, but attitude makes the person charasmatic. Attitue is not as superficial and much long lasting than looks. Looks can easily deceive an eye but attitude shows the real person behind all the material and superficial things. I bet most of you have seen Jenny Jones or Ricky Lake show, that is about girls dressing too sexy and provocative. I don’t think there is anything wrong with dressing sexy but it’s not the clothes that ruin the whole image it’s the attitude. A lot of these girls are very pretty, have good bodies. The first impression when they come out is very good but as soon as they start yelling, fighting and swearing their whole good image is gone. The way they act make them very anattractive. People forget about their beauty- physical appearance and pay close attention to their attitudes. To show that attitude influences our impression much more than looks imagine that it’s Friday night and you are going to a party. You walk in and right away your attention goes directly toward John, a tall, good-looking guy. Your first impression of him is based on his looks beacuse that’s what catches your attention right away. You start a conversation but as soon as he opens his mouth you want to walk away. He is very cocky, rude and vulgar. He has no personality and really bad attitude. So you end the conversation and talk to other people. Later on you meet Bob, an average looking guy but who has a great attitude. IT’s John’s good-looks that attracted you to him yet it’s Bob’s Attitude that made you spend the entire eveening with him. That night you won’t think about John’s good looks but Bob’s amazing personality. From this example we see that attitude plays a much bigger role than good looks. Therefore we could easily say that good looking person has only a great physical appearance while an attractive person might have good looks but what makes him stand out from the crowd is his attitude. So which is better to be attractive or good-looking? I think everyone can answer this question by themselves. So the next time you are judging someone wait to from your opinion about them until you see their true attitude because looks can deceive an eye. And please do me a favor don’t judge the book by its cover because you might miss out on someone very special.


  8. SiTeHBu0mB: DOWN said:

    And that’s about KissKiss, he be good lookin e-knighting prem div pro player