ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


DemomanMedicScoutSoldier  Mid/Open Skill, 6v6

UnitedStates King Trump 2.0

Posted by smiguel: | Last Online:

Hi, after a shaky irl situation i wanna go play again

Med/Solly: top open/mid
Scout/Demo: open just for funsies

Id like a team that i enjoy playing on, and although obviously i want to play at as a high level as i can id rather have fun while doing it

Im worst at scout so i like to get cerried by shitty offclasses, aside from that i dont mind playing any other class

My team ended 3rd in open last season, and ive played 3 seasons of med before that (2 open 1 mid), aside from countless mixes, a couple of LOLHL seasons, and national cups (spain is really starved of players lmao)

Anyways if you are interested or have any more questions add me and ask, i might be occupied but ill get to you asap

For further info, check out my paid shill comments down below ? ?

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  1. CelebGarfield said:

    I can sub soldier, scout, possibly medic but I am not confident in my maincalling.
    Add me on steam if interested, cheers.

  2. KaaaNoob: CnB said:

    i can play sc for u, just add me upo if interested

  3. tejbedara said:

    how many hour is minimum ?

  4. Vortegan said:

    I can play soldier add me if interested

  5. H3aling: Govt^ said:

    800 lobbies in tf2 center 1900 hours in game main= medic.

  6. spek said:

    i can play soldier and medic . 110 hrs in tf2 add me:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198196835410

  7. spek said:
