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Soldier  Low/Open Skill, 6v6

Ukraine k33th

Posted: | Last Online:

I've played the game back in 2012 and had to quit for an extended period of time. Today I'd like to get back into etf2l and I'm looking for a team to play with. I can play either of the soldier roles. I'm willing to give either Open or Low division a shot, as I feel I have a lot of transferable FPS skills under my belt. Looking for an english speaking team.
Relevant skills/experience:
– Fluent english
– ETF2L Season 13 (division 5) – roamer
– Jump servers (I'm a t6 jumper)
Availability: CET 7 PM – 2 AM, 4-5 days a week. Days are flexible.
Add me on steam (or discord K33th#6022) to talk further.
Thank you

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:70342821 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left 404 [6v6] k33th
Joined 404 [6v6] Hoffaern
Left Choke ya later [6v6] k33th
Joined Choke ya later [6v6] Balen
Left Semen Demons [6v6] k33th
Left 9 Particles [retired] [Highlander] k33th
Joined 9 Particles [retired] [Highlander] Ches "The Anarchist
Joined Semen Demons [6v6] anchiladd
Left Sockat [6v6] k33th
Joined Sockat [6v6] .
Left enhancedaim.com [2v2] k33th
Left Team Negus [6v6] k33th
Joined enhancedaim.com [2v2] k33th
Joined Team Negus [6v6] k33th
Left Mein Poopenshaft [6v6] k33th
Joined Mein Poopenshaft [6v6] Mesprite

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  1. crazykiller monty: TC: Ox said:


  2. lazyluk said:

    Give this man a shot, was not toxic, seems keen, seems like he would be a fast learner.