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Soldier  Div 1/Div 2 Skill, Highlander

Germany Jules

Posted: | Last Online:

So I'm currently searching for a nice team after i only could play UGC for a while. I think I'm capable of playing this level.

What you can expect of me:
good comms
nice guy
can accept criticism
played 2 seasons UGC Plat ('Matchsticks' searious and 'Freestyle Lumberjacks' as fun season)
more playing a 'medic picking' type of solly
good dm (also known as 'the gardner')
can play up to 4 times a week

So yup, that's pretty much it. Just add me (:
Have a nice day!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:131572900 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Aim Allergics [6v6] Jonez
Left Merkelsommer [6v6 Fun Team] mezzo
Joined Undercover Prodigies [Highlander] Straus
Joined Merkelsommer [6v6 Fun Team] mezzo
Joined Aim Allergics [6v6] Pr0p3r
Left dildo [6v6 Fun Team] Jules
Left Aim Allergics [6v6] Jules
Joined Aim Allergic [1v1] Jules
Left Aim Allergic [1v1] Jules
Joined dildo [6v6 Fun Team] h3x
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] bluR-
Left The Million Deutschmarks [Highlander] Jules
Joined The Million Deutschmarks [Highlander] Jonez
Left Eerie Sprites [Highlander] Jules
Joined Aim Allergics [6v6] Samy
Left Chocolate Teapot eSports [6v6] izaak²²
Joined Eerie Sprites [Highlander] Clark
Joined Aim Allergic [1v1] Jules
Joined Chocolate Teapot eSports [6v6] Nesh
Left Bossbabo [1v1] emb
Left Agents [6v6 Fun Team] emb
Left Team h0rny [2v2] emb
Left 2kal [6v6] SorroW
Left JimiJam [Highlander] neophyte78
Joined 2kal [6v6] Jules
Left Tante [6v6] Jules
Joined Bossbabo [1v1] Jules
Joined Agents [6v6 Fun Team] Jules
Joined Tante [6v6] Jules
Left Erdnuckels [6v6] NeoX
Joined Erdnuckels [6v6] Jules
Joined Team h0rny [2v2] Jules
Left New Mouse [6v6] EvoWarrior5
Joined JimiJam [Highlander] Jules
Joined New Mouse [6v6] Jules
Left vier // green [6v6] Royal
Joined vier // green [6v6] Jules
Left Aslak and the Technovikings [Highlander] Rusti
Left Aslak and the Technovikings [6v6] Rusti
Joined Aslak and the Technovikings [6v6] Jules
Joined Aslak and the Technovikings [Highlander] Rusti

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 1/Div 2 15 705
View Div 2/Div 3 18 823
View Div 4/Div 5 5 658


  1. Candle said:

    good old jules

    he’s great, pick him up

  2. PaRa said:


  3. Insighte said:

    Good solly. Can cause quite a headache to opponent’s combo. Could easily play in div1. Most importantly a nice and polite guy with good personality.

  4. Avoc: le - r/ip said:

    Fun guy to play with, with crazy market garden skills.

  5. Asaaj said:

    Nicht mehr gebannered?

  6. Jules: up. said:

    Nein (:

  7. Max: Fusion said:

    http://etf2l.org/forum/user/91263/ ?

  8. Jules: up. said:

    thats another guy
    i hate being compared with him because of the name :b

  9. Max: Fusion said:

    You both had the similiar profile pic. And you had really low hours so I thought you were his alt.

  10. Jules: up. said:

    naa i aint ^^
    its just my 2ndary acc, got like 2400 on my first account (:

  11. MARS^: (ETF2L Donator) - ANIMA - op_sqd said:


  12. quintosh: ITIFY - op_sqd said:

    emotes wie mr flausch

  13. Un amour de Swann: said:

    papphase <3

  14. Nesh said:

    Meine Sonne nach dem Regen, mein Stuhlgang nach dem Abführmittel.
    He is the best! Your Sniper will have the best flanking solly on your side. He is a funny and a sick guy, also up for new sick Sniper+Solly tactics xD
    #openplugin #goodluck my princess <3

  15. Nesh said:


  16. Fuxx said:


  17. DCS: (Legend) - notdoggo - Dr. med. said:

    Igitt, nesh :D

  18. Nesh said:

    Ein bump für mein Sonnenschein <3

  19. Deox: myx - wL. said:

    Really awesome soldier. Definetly better than most at this level

  20. MIGHTY BURGER ツ said:

    Best Lumberjacking Soldier :)

  21. profix: FLANK said:


  22. Zangetsu: 4SKINGS said:

    great soli,would love to see him playing