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Scout  Div 1 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Jude

Posted: | Last Online:

Hi there,considering that dyslexics seems dead in the water i'd just thought i'd test said waters for s10 to see if theres any teams currently looking for some guy to jump round and stand on cp's, either fulltime or just as a backup

on holiday from 11th-25th september though!
say hi on steam if you like! :)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:23332070 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined NOT not dead doggo (for legal reasons) [6v6] Mop
Left FG eSports [6v6] Jude
Joined FG eSports [6v6] hi im cupcake
Left Onee-Chan sponsored by Kawaii E-Sports [6v6] Jude
Joined Onee-Chan sponsored by Kawaii E-Sports [6v6] Menty
Left #SDW [Highlander] demsii
Joined #SDW [Highlander] Jude
Left bEARFORCE1 [Highlander] Jude
Joined bEARFORCE1 [Highlander] demsii
Left Team Nub [Highlander] Jude
Left Dyslexics Untied [6v6] Jude
Joined Dyslexics Untied [6v6] kuma
Left Bagdub [6v6] Lukas
Joined Bagdub [6v6] Lukas
Left enixe [6v6] Jude
Joined enixe [6v6] Ice
Left Fabulous Thunderpussy [6v6] Jude
Joined Fabulous Thunderpussy [6v6] Rynex
Left MTF.Gaming - Paroxysm II [6v6] Jude
Joined Team Nub [Highlander] Carolus
Left Paroxysm [Highlander] Jude
Joined Paroxysm [Highlander] Moreg
Left flowerpower [Highlander] Jude
Joined Would You Kindly? [2v2] Moreg
Joined MTF.Gaming - Paroxysm II [6v6] evokje
Left MTF.Gaming - Paroxysm II [6v6] Jude
Joined flowerpower [Highlander] hokka
Joined MTF.Gaming - Paroxysm II [6v6] demsii

Previous Recruitment Posts

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View Div 1 22 1152
View Mid 20 1160


  1. FADe said:

    Easily the best sniper I’ve played with. Always cool, calm and collected. A Pleasant gamer

  2. ups said:

    Sick sniper, I’ve never seen anyone quite like him

  3. Buffalo Bill: TDR » - T⑨ said:

    Sick sniper, very good Scout.

  4. LinKin said:

    Sick Gamer!!

  5. Moreg: dc. said:

    awesome scout and beast sniper, never rages-whines-bitches about anything, his sense for teamwork is amazing, also a bit silly sometimes
    good luck

  6. kos: ft. - bobs said:

    Awesome scout + sniper and a pleasure to play with, really nice guy and always very calm.

    Best of luck!

  7. Jude!: notdoggo said:

    Thanks guys, really appreciated :-)

  8. Morphine: (Cat Enthusiast) - 一一═デ︻ said:

    Obligatory: Na na nanananaaaa, nanananaaaa, hey juuude

  9. skeej: (ETF2L Donator) - UbeR | - Fe | said:

    best pipes eu

  10. Erectus: aHn said:

    if you have no problems with jews, good luck.
    if you do, die.

  11. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    rofl @ erectus :D

    if you have no problems with jews, good luck
    if you don’t, die.

  12. Retsh0ck: 32erz - 2strong said:

    rofl @ erectus :D

    if you have problems with jews, good luck
    if you don’t, die.