ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


EngineerMedicPyro  Div 6 Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates It's Just A Game

Posted by hlasdf: | Last Online:

Hello! We're a 6th Division Highlander team currently with a full roster, but looking for people who are willing to sub for some of our classes. Subs we are in need of are for Pyro, Engineer, and Medic.

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  1. ozkehr2 said:

    I’ve got ~500hours of TF2 and feel ready to join the competitive scene!
    I main Soldier and Scout, but I can also play Medic.
    Contact me if you’re interested!

    My loudouts:

    Scout: Scattergun, Pistol, Frying Pan (sometimes Sandman or Boston Basher)
    Solider: Rocket Launcher, Shotgun, Escape Plan
    Medic: Crusader’s Crossbow, Medigun, Ubersaw

  2. Prs.KennyD: [IJAG] said:

    Hi, my Steam name is Weegee71. I can play as any class in TF2, but I’m not that strong with medic. You can ask me if I could play any other class and I will consider the request. I would like to join a NA team if anyone is looking but I may not be available, in some cases, cause this is my brothers computer and he already joined a team so he might be playing too. I’m new to competitive play and I would like to start with this competition. Thank you for considering my post :).

  3. Princess Luna: TC said:

    hello if you are looking for a scout with 95 hours on the record and decent skill I’m your guy.
    i can also be sniper sub with 70 hours on the class,i have about 850~ hours on tf2 and have been playing since 2011 so i know how the game works. Add me to discuss http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198050389376/ (PS I’m from Europe)

  4. Astro: [IJAG] said:

    Hey im Astro I main solider and dem,but can play other classes if needed.I have over 500 hours in tf2 and looking to get into competitive.Thx and if you dont accept no hard feelings.

  5. P3YCHOZ said:

    Hey im P3YCH0Z,Im Best At Spy and have over 500 Hours on tf2 and I starded tf2 on spetember 2nd.