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Medic  Div 6 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Itball

Posted: | Last Online:

I have very little experience playing competitively with all i know coming from tf2lobby and videos on youtube. I do however know all the basics and am rapidly improving. Looking for a team with which i can learn and have fun with, while playing competitively.

I can play just about any day of the week after about 4pm GMT and i can speak fluent English.

I know there are probably better people out there but i am willing to learn and am improving so hoping for a chance on just about any team, preferably 6v6. If your willing to take a noob on, (or atleast let me show you what i can sort of do :P) please add me on steam.


User Profile | SteamID: U:1:80594251 Add Friend

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Joined Bridge Hump [6v6] Itball
Left Inane Speculation [6v6] Itball
Joined Inane Speculation [6v6] azzii

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One Comment

  1. greenrab: tf said:

    While he is very new to the competitive tf2 scene he a good mindset and given the right team will improve rapidly. All round good guy who should be able to handle div 6 and progress upwards fairly quickly