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ScoutSniper  Open/Mid Skill, Highlander

UnitedStates ilikeTF2andpie

Posted: | Last Online:

American Scout/Sniper main looking for either a European team or an American team. I have no preference at the moment on what area you're in. Over the Summer, I'll have plenty of time to play of course.

I have about 3 years of competitive experience, but none as Scout or Sniper. I've mostly played in UGC with only one season where I played for European teams. I think the one time I played for a Euro team, I played for a British team.

I should be on daily in the Summer at your time in the evening (morning for me). I can also play weekends. If you're an American team, great!

I'd prefer you to either speak fluent English or even Spanish.

Add me for a trial http://www.steamcommunity.com/id/legendaryhof

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:82294497 Add Friend

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