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Spy  High/Mid Skill, Highlander

Russia Husky

Posted: | Last Online:

It is time to go back to basics
only main
Can consider other divs
Idc Eu or Ru

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:216095022 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left stfu noob [6v6] Husky
Joined Trouble Shooters [Highlander] Doge
Left 1DayOff [Highlander] Husky
Joined stfu noob [6v6] star
Joined 1DayOff [Highlander] Strike
Left Crystal Castles [Highlander] Husky
Joined Crystal Castles [Highlander] PROJECT CJ7AHU,bI
Joined NA DRIFTE POD PHONK [6v6 Fun Team] mojo
Left Trouble Shooters [Highlander] Doge
Left VVVtech [6v6] vivalden
Joined VVVtech [6v6] vivalden
Joined Trouble Shooters [Highlander] Doge
Left ПРИДУРКИ [Highlander] fanya
Joined ПРИДУРКИ [Highlander] fanya
Left 5 UAH [Highlander] Husky
Joined 5 UAH [Highlander] Doge
Left Alcoholics Anonymous [Highlander] Husky
Joined Alcoholics Anonymous [Highlander] ZeroS
Left ПРИДУРКИ [Highlander] Husky
Joined ПРИДУРКИ [Highlander] Creeeeeeme
Left Brixton에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 바비 인 [6v6 Fun Team] Husky
Left THACI/VUCIC [Highlander] Husky
Joined Brixton에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 바비 인 [6v6 Fun Team] wax
Joined BALKAN POWERHOUSE [6v6] Endrit
Left СЕПАРЫ [6v6] tapper
Joined THACI/VUCIC [Highlander] Sothis
Left Xenon [Highlander] Husky
Joined Xenon [Highlander] Icewind
Left summer cyber school [Highlander] Husky
Joined СЕПАРЫ [6v6] tapper
Left Imectus the Femboy and 6 other weebs [6v6] Husky
Joined summer cyber school [Highlander] fanya
Left Blini джуниор [Highlander] Husky
Joined Imectus the Femboy and 6 other weebs [6v6] imectus
Left Disband Div [6v6] Husky
Joined Blini джуниор [Highlander] MrRicardo
Left BAD DRAGONS [Highlander] Citrus
Joined Disband Div [6v6] MegaWaTT
Joined BAD DRAGONS [Highlander] One-Two
Left FANTA [Highlander] Husky
Joined FANTA [Highlander] fanya
Left 5 UAH [Highlander] Husky
Joined 5 UAH [Highlander] Tranduill

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View High 16 767
View Low/Open 7 567
View Low/Open 1 330
View Low/Open 0 241


  1. pinky of Buddha: eshk - БРИГАДА said:


  2. Shamanoud: CG said:

    Beast, very strong player

  3. ouppy: (Trial Admin) - MANDEM - HOUSE said:

    nice person to talk to + good spy and solly

  4. ZeroS said:

    great teammate to work with, good mechanics and gamesense on soldier and spy

  5. Kumis: DIRECTOR - kz said:


  6. Sacetter: Fish12 said:

    this guy not only beast, is a good personne, not toxic, only fun, good spy, pick him or you regret

  7. AsteriX: DLG said:

    На опен потянет

  8. Aydef: hb said:

    Good person, strong player

  9. rubicus said:

    good player

  10. helipektiker: KwK said:

    musky husky

  11. Derved: BIOCHEMIST - OBAMA said:

    endif gamer 420

  12. Deshio said:

    Prem moment

  13. deemore: OCHOBA said:

    нодив нубас

  14. Creeeeeeme said:

    Cool and positive guy

  15. shuba said:


  16. Luka Enderman: CCP said:

    Yes pick if not I angwwy

  17. DastRon: L_? - GYM said:


  18. mellz: TG said:

    The true king of animals (spy mains)

  19. BlastFM: TS said:

    shoots gamers

  20. Exe_Red: L_? - HOUSE said:

    мощный чел позитивный

  21. Serik said:

    good sens of game, beast

  22. Soaky: PINT - op_sqd said:


  23. dima: C9 said:

    The best thing you may have from spy It’s calm and pleasant voice timber.
    This guy got it 😎

  24. soap: ITIFY said:

    subbed alot for us over the last season, does well on multiple classes. very reliable!

  25. kilikia: wL. - wL. said:

    decent and responsible man
    makes drops, defenetly stabs, shoots well… sometimes too well.
    supports the team, not letting them give up at the crucial moments

  26. slash: C9 said:

    real killa =).

  27. elrond69 said:

    на солде

  28. Sherlock said:

    very good blyat

  29. WaffleStart: DE - GMsU said:

    Pretty epic gamer and came in clutch very frequently.

  30. Anzu: :Blinky: said:


  31. . said:

    pick him up and he’ll davai davai davai you to playoffs

  32. Tippo said:

    pretty good, knows what to focus, funny person, easy to stick around and huge pp

  33. Husky: TS said:
