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Medic  High- Skill, 6v6

Sweden hatE

Posted: | Last Online:


I have played this forsaken yet lovely game (since release) and been in a clan since 2 weeks after the release of beta. ( FADER )
The reason im typing this is that i could love the idea to play with english talking persons, but i dont mind fellow Swedes at all! Resistansen,jägarna,nwave div 2 all the Way!

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:10617811 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined You Only Yolo Once [6v6] FF63
Left Huehuehuehue [6v6] John Milter
Joined Huehuehuehue [6v6] hatE
Left jAgarna [6v6] hatE
Joined jAgarna [6v6] hatE
Left The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] hatE
Joined The Enigma Zone Crew [6v6] hatE
Left STRIP [6v6] op
Joined STRIP [6v6] op
Left STRIP [6v6] hatE
Joined STRIP [6v6] Atty
Left that new team [6v6] MOOGLE
Joined that new team [6v6] Mike
Left Procella [6v6] hatE
Joined Procella [6v6] hatE
Left 9 Men Lite [6v6] hatE
Joined 9 Men Lite [6v6] gryzor
Left Northwave [6v6] hatE
Joined Northwave [6v6] hatE
Left Impact Damage [6v6] hatE
Left ImpactDamage [6v6 Fun Team] hatE
Joined ImpactDamage [6v6 Fun Team] Slicke
Joined Impact Damage [6v6] hatE
Left jAgarna [6v6] hatE
Left Vapse [6v6 Fun Team] hatE
Joined Vapse [6v6 Fun Team] huhystah
Joined jAgarna [6v6] hatE
Left Resistansen [6v6] FF63
Joined Resistansen [6v6] hatE
Left arena:fader [6v6 Fun Team] hatE
Left Northwave [6v6] hatE
Joined arena:fader [6v6 Fun Team] DrSAuna
Joined Northwave [6v6] hatE

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View Div 2 11 596


  1. m00n said:

    He’s HateoN, that should give you a clue..

    If not, HeatoN, Hate(oN), GET IT?!

  2. psunfragga: cc// said:

    Fantastic medic without a doubt! He’s enjoyable to play with and against, some of my favourite games have been up against Hate because he brings excitement with his ubersaws. He’s not a run of the mill medic, he’s unique and thinks outside of the box. His accent is fantastic in english and he’s downplaying his fluency a lot – you will understand him.

    He is pretty much the opposite of his name, he’s more loving than anything. He will speak his mind though but its what he is respected for. Good luck hate!

  3. huhystah said:

    The best guy ever :D Sick med, deffo high without any doubts. Good luck man

  4. GibbZ: WOOOOO! said:

    Oh My God.

    HatEs fucking awesome. Actually really good medic. High+ with Pace.

  5. Santa: TWIN said:

    Awesome guy

  6. chucky: 420 said:


  7. Swifty: ξ(゜ヮ゜)ξ said:

    HatE makes the best noises and he is an awesome guy, great medic, wish him all the best. <3

  8. Markosen said:

    AWESOME ! :)

  9. FF63: YOYO\' said:

    HatE is an amazing medic, and an amazing guy. HatE <3

  10. Ceder! said:

    Nice guy! And a realy good medic! GL

  11. hatE: YOYO\' said:

    Thanks all of you <3 This is why i love playing this game! When i play together with all you great persons out there in this so called clusterfucked world of ours :) <3

    As i said, ill redo my Post soon enough when i have time!

  12. Herr Braffle: broder - syster said:

    b0gh8 wins

    fader hatE 72

    fader våfflan 71

    fader ONlock 5

  13. hatE: YOYO\' said:

    sigh .. it doenst work so ill just make a comment of it instead.


    I have played this forsaken yet lovely game (since release) and been in a clan since 2 weeks after the release of beta. ( FADER )
    The reason im typing this is that i could love the idea to play with english talking persons, but i dont mind fellow Swedes at all!

    This is my resumé of competing clans:


    I have been playing as main medic in all lineups, i have over 1200 hours played in total as a medic and i have been like i said playing this game since it first surfaced as beta. I have matured in so many ways since i started playing, i can take criticism and make it into something good and to improve my own skills.

    Before i used to be known to say alot of stuff i DO mean, so i speak my mind. But i dont rage as often nowdays. I think (know) that alot of players see me as a person who is too full of myself. Sure i like to say im the best there is! And i keep standing by my words. When i play, i never play just to play.. I play to WIN, i rarely give up.

    Well thats about it i guess, atm im on vacation for another week (2010-07-30) Then after that i can compete withing the range of Div 3 up to 1? Sure i can offclass as something, but then it has to be Heavy / Soldier and sometimes scout. But my main goal is to become the mainmedic.

    I got the knowhow to survive, i never give up.. If this sounds what you are looking for give me a ding, or chat on steam.

    Profile link: http://steamcommunity.com/id/jagarhatE

    The last reqruitment thread i made was better till something fucked it up.. Well thanks for me, hope to see you ingame in near future. Either by the end of my healing beam or my bonesaw….

  14. Overcow: KURT! - iNh said:

    God Tier medic, pick him up or… Something clever.

  15. xzr said:

    fucking awesome medic