ETF2L is looking for new Staff to recruit! Are you interested in supporting the league? Then click here for more details on what we can offer and how to apply! 


Medic  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

European Hakuna Matata

Posted by Rex: | Last Online:

Current medic doesn't really have the time to commit to the team so we need someone else to take a main role.

In S15 Division 5A. Currently only searching div4 on IRC. Badmins just put us in 5 despite screens beating loadsa teams they put in div4. =[

We're after someone who is willing to put in quite a bit of time. Right now we play most nights Sunday – Thursday and even weekends using backups. We have premiership failure sideshow helping us out by reviewing STVs etc.

You won't need to main call but fine if you are happy doing so.

Just add me if interested and actually have a clue how to play TF2. Don't really have the time to teach someone new!

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  1. Swann: said:

    Hey there, I added you for a talk.

  2. Rex said:

    Sorry to people adding my teammates. My friends list has space now. GOGOGO.

  3. profix: FLANK said:


    I was not able to contact you through steam. Your steam profile settings do not allow friend requests for some reason? That’s what it said on my end fyi.

    I consider myself beeing able to play both soldier and demoman at a comfortable div4 level and scout around div3. But I’d like to give medic a shot.

    Please add me on steam so we can arrange a trial perhaps?


  4. Rex said:

    Still looking