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Demoman  Div 4/Div 5 Skill, 6v6

UnitedKingdom Greyy

Posted: | Last Online:

Hey, Im High div5 or Low div4 Demo but have some experiences in Div3 (I backup for a solid High div3 team and have been learning alot from them), I can play 4-10pm GMT excluding Wednesdays and Fridays. I played High level COD so I know the ways of comp play.

Me: -Don't rage
-Wanting to improve
-Want a good laugh while winning
Your team: -No/ little rage
-Strong teamwork & communication

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:53502647 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Continuity [6v6] Greyy
Left cLanda [Highlander] b0nes
Joined Continuity [6v6] Greyy
Left Team Kinetic [6v6] Greyy
Joined Team Kinetic [6v6] Greyy
Left Cash Money Haters [6v6] Greyy
Joined Cash Money Haters [6v6] Greyy
Left Team Kinetic [6v6] Greyy
Joined Team Kinetic [6v6] Eraser
Left Engage eSports [6v6] Greyy
Joined Engage eSports [6v6] Greyy
Joined cLanda [Highlander] Bassa123

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Div 5/Div 6 2 276
View Div 6 0 125


  1. Some1 said:

    gr8 player and can handle his own good in div 4.

  2. toogyboogy: (ETF2L Donator) - SOFT - bobs said:

    this guy is a baller.
    Previously played high level COD4 so he got some experience in competetive play.


  3. Some1 said:

    he has a good fruit basket

  4. Zethzio: AJ said:

    calm guy had some really good questions for me which means he’s got his mind on improving. I played with him today and div 4 should be fine he just needs some experience and he’ll be a great asset to your team.

  5. MEGAMIDDIE said:

    I want to dock him

    -Sincerely, Turbomonkey (who is sadly banned)

    Greyy is improving so damn fast, rises a div every few games, can totally see him getting high up. Good luck! <3

  6. BoneS: swimp - ciortai said:

    Hes got the right attitude, wants to learn and shows a good level of skill for the length of time he has been playing. very chilled and keen :)

  7. Pricee: has $w@G said:

    Add me on steam, we let’s talk :)