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Medic  High/Mid Skill, 6v6

Italy Godz Ares

Posted: | Last Online:

The future of Godz is uncertain so maybe EU time;
Feel free to add me ;)

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:192055001 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left WhatYouKnowAboutRolliingDownInTheDeep [6v6] Godz Ares
Left 0 point eSports [Highlander] gambit
Joined 0 point eSports [Highlander] gambit
Joined WhatYouKnowAboutRolliingDownInTheDeep [6v6] Godz Ares
Left Team Name [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined Team Name [6v6] ollie
Left Almanische Front [6v6] Godz Ares
Left SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] Godz Ares
Joined SAMII SHARTING SCHOOL [Highlander] samii
Left SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] Godz Ares
Left Papeete Beach [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Joined Almanische Front [6v6] danny
Left Riccione eSports [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined Papeete Beach [6v6 Fun Team] Fryed
Joined Riccione eSports [6v6] Fryed
Left Tourette 6scola Club [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined SUPER ULTRA CRAZY KILLERS [Highlander] gambit
Joined Tourette 6scola Club [6v6] Erupo89
Left Tourette Briscola Tassoni Club [Highlander] Godz Ares
Left VINELLOTECH [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Left d:) [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined d:) [6v6] Jake
Left Midnight 6s [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined VINELLOTECH [6v6 Fun Team] croix
Joined Midnight 6s [6v6] zeFrosty
Left Pisamerda [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Left entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined Pisamerda [6v6 Fun Team] khamba
Left keine Ahnung [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Joined keine Ahnung [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Left Nico e i sardi [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Joined Tourette Briscola Tassoni Club [Highlander] Erupo89
Left Divinely Celestials [Highlander] khamba
Joined Divinely Celestials [Highlander] khamba
Left otoINSTINCT Clan [Highlander] HeeSang
Left otoINSTINCT Clan [Highlander] HeeSang
Left otoINSTINCT Clan [Highlander] HeeSang
Joined entro ᴀɴᴛᴏɴʏ esco Ɇ₦₮ⱧO₦l [6v6] draky
Left eZ eSports [6v6] Hist3rim
Joined otoINSTINCT Clan [Highlander] HeeSang
Left Keep It Kosher! [Highlander] Godz Ares
Joined Keep It Kosher! [Highlander] MoreBuckets!
Left Terra Dei Fuochi [Highlander] Godz Ares
Joined eZ eSports [6v6] draky
Joined Nico e i sardi [6v6 Fun Team] draky
Left Super Strong Sexy Primes [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined Terra Dei Fuochi [Highlander] Gegia
Left Kyron eSports [Highlander] Godz Ares
Left Double Quantum [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Joined Super Strong Sexy Primes [6v6] ar7
Left Shitler's Road to Prem [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined Double Quantum [6v6 Fun Team] ar7
Joined Shitler's Road to Prem [6v6] Sgt Doe Crits
Left Low Open Lawyers [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined Kyron eSports [Highlander] Morgan
Left Greta Menchi esports [Highlander] Godz Ares
Joined Greta Menchi esports [Highlander] Gegia
Left Memes Thiefs [6v6 Fun Team] Godz Ares
Joined Memes Thiefs [6v6 Fun Team] sasami
Joined Low Open Lawyers [6v6] Ike
Left Liberal Kritz [6v6] Godz Ares
Joined Liberal Kritz [6v6] Sgt Doe Crits

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Prem 3 667
View High 6 461
View High 7 626
View High 1 255
View Prem 0 270
View Prem 15 1195
View High/Mid 7 449
View Prem/High 6 553
View Prem/High 6 494
View High/Mid 3 395
View High 6 452
View High 21 768
View High/Mid 11 929
View High/Mid 8 590
View Mid 11 801
View Mid/Open 6 511
View Mid 4 592
View Mid 13 1019
View Mid 22 1278
View Mid/Open 5 570
View Open 2 433
View Open 11 872
View Mid/Open 0 352
View Mid/Open 1 389


  1. shinso said:

    absolute god like his name says
    super nice guy, great mechanics and extremely keen, a must pickup

  2. scar: /ff said:

    this guy is a madman

  3. khamba said:


  4. tXX said:

    violare quelle vergini

  5. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    GodZ GodZ Are$

  6. - said:

    while great medic, sometimes he has a brainlag when i ask him to use, flash or arrow me. sometimes. other than that, get the guy! :3

  7. 4hp said:

    that’s my fault for requiring 20+% heals to not feed

    my favourite med btw

  8. robin said:


  9. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    oggi al McDonalds un tizio grassissimo è andato alla cassa sbriatando tipo “IO AVEVO ORDINATO LE PATATINE CON L’HOT CHEESE!! NON CON LA SALSA CHEDDAR!!!! IMPARATE A FARE IL VOSTRO LAVORO DEMENTI” cristo dio panzone stai buono si può chiedere anche con educazione di sostituirtele e basta così non fai altro che alimentare i pregiudizi sui ciccioni

  10. Al3: a lodi said:

    .•´`*. ★MERRY★
    *. . •´ ´,•*´¨ ★ CHRISTMAS ★
    ´¸.•´ ¸.*
    │∩ │◥███◣ ╱◥███◣
    ╱◥◣ ◥████◣▓∩▓│∩
    │╱◥█◣║∩∩∩ ║◥█▓ ▓█

  11. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    se sei uno dei tizi ubriachissimi che ho conosciuto alle 3 di notte in spiaggia a Lignano questa estate ecco amico mi dispiace te lo avevo inculato io il pacchetto di sigarette mi sento in colpissima ma stavo a corto spero tu mi possa perdonare

  12. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    Gesù è risorto perché aveva la raygun e ha urlato per 3 giorni nelle cuffie di rianimarlo perché sennò avrebbero perso e alla fine sono riusciti a tirarlo su e hanno completato l’easter egg su kino der toten

  13. Al3: a lodi said:

    rieccoci con un altro video di mkwii… in questo video ci sarà un altro hacker per una partita. (tengo a precisare che non faccio a posta a fare video con hacker ma tutte le volte che entro online ne becco sempre uno xD). inoltre a breve metterò un video di una mia prova a tempo tanto per farvi vedere dove si aggirano i miei record.

  14. croix: traphouse - inVincible said:

    ok ho letto…quel commento poteva essere interpretato cm hai fatto tu ma anche come un semplice commento in effetti era un commento bello ke poteva essere giudicato “epico” se tu lo conoscessi bene nn avresti detto una cosa simile! poi ho ritenuto davvero una cattiveria incolparlo per aver caricato i video di plarpy ke lui caricava con molto piacere senza secondi fini e quindi l’avrai offeso moltissimo! in secondo luogo nn puoi accusare na persona di essere lecchina solo per un commento

  15. Godz Ares said:


  16. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    Chill guy, pretty good med, just need to change more the phrases he says when he gets forced.

  17. Godz Ares said:

    Santo Stefano’s bump

  18. Sprasty: OSW - wL. said:

    P.S. He loves columbian and other drugs too xD

  19. Godz Ares said:

    Bump, looking for a team to play with in the preseason cup