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Medic  Div 3 Skill, 6v6

Denmark Gobby

Posted: | Last Online:


I view myself capable of playing medic at a div3 level i currently stand without a team so decided to look for one :D. My Last played (renoB) at div3/mid skill i why not pickup where i left.

Things about me:

– I'm 17 and located in Denmark (GMT+1).
– I Can play from 18:00-24:00 GMT+1 pretty much every damn day of the week +/- weekends.
– Non Rager.
– Motivated Towards in Improving.

Things about YOU:

– Aiming for div3 in S9.
– Motivated towards improving.

contact me Via steam: tafara5

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:13428952 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Left Thinking About the Name [6v6] corben
Joined Thinking About the Name [6v6] corben
Left hoodbros [6v6] Gobby
Joined hoodbros [6v6] rytis
Left $^) [6v6] Gobby
Joined $^) [6v6] Dodge
Left Legende [6v6] Gobby
Joined Legende [6v6] frixx
Left The Totoro Guild [6v6] Gobby
Joined The Totoro Guild [6v6] Gobby
Left nervousENERGY Green [6v6] Void
Joined nervousENERGY Green [6v6] Gobby
Left Guru Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Joined Guru Gaming [6v6] FlagZero
Left myDICK [6v6] Gobby
Joined myDICK [6v6] Gobby
Left The High Priests [6v6] Gobby
Joined The High Priests [6v6] Ghostface
Left Team Fortress 2 Romania 1 [Highlander] Ghostface
Joined Team Fortress 2 Romania 1 [Highlander] Ghostface
Left OZ [6v6] rytis
Joined OZ [6v6] rytis
Left Catalyst [6v6] Gobby
Joined Catalyst [6v6] Gobby
Left renoB [6v6] Gobby
Joined renoB [6v6] Old_Grandma
Left Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds [6v6] Gobby
Joined Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds [6v6] Gobby
Left Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Joined Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] helberg
Left Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] MartinLH
Joined Killerinstincts - Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Left Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Joined Team Lad [6v6] Gobby
Left clanda [6v6] Gobby
Joined clanda [6v6] Gobby
Left Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Joined Tabby Gaming [6v6] helberg
Left Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Joined Tabby Gaming [6v6] Gobby
Left Team X [6v6] Gobby
Joined Team X [6v6] Stalker72
Left Team X [6v6] Stalker72
Joined Team X [6v6] Stalker72
Left Team X [6v6] Stalker72
Joined Team X [6v6] Stalker72
Left Team X [6v6] Stalker72
Joined Team X [6v6] Stalker72
Left executive order [6v6] Sirrus
Joined Perle Venner [2v2] Gobby
Joined executive order [6v6] Sirrus
Left Freeborn1 [6v6] Slash
Joined Freeborn1 [6v6] Gobby
Left On Fire [6v6] Gobby
Joined On Fire [6v6] Gobby
Left Clan 601 [6v6] Gobby
Joined Clan 601 [6v6] Bubbles1
Left On Fire [6v6] Gobby
Joined Team GobbX! [1v1] Gobby
Left Team 90BL!N [1v1] Gobby
Joined On Fire [6v6] Gobby
Joined Team 90BL!N [1v1] Gobby

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  1. DreadOne: POLAKI - ez-sports.ru said:

    I love this guy he is always up for mixes, great personality.
    Deffo div 3 just give him stable team and he wont disappoint you.
    Gl man!

  2. andras2102: .:ne:. said:

    Gobby is a really good medic, and he is always up for mixes and has a great personallity :D

  3. freakz: [8U] said:

    An awesome medic and a funny guy. Credit to any team. Pick him up ! ;)

  4. Sir Remix: frø - DANMARK said:

    Awsome guy and good medic, good luck!

  5. tyelander said:

    I see you looking for a team, I am starting up a new team for div 3. Its called “GOBBY LOVES DIXXX! :D The tag is gobby=dixxx! What you think :P

  6. Thalash: wG - S-O said:

    Great medic, awesome personality. Pick him up already!

  7. Taimou said:

    Second best medics come from Denmark.

  8. fawlen: HB - Doj said:

    this guy is fucking awesome.. FUCKING AWESOME!
    div3 for sure, great comms, fun to talk to outside of the games and hangout with in mumble

  9. helberg: Danmark - DANMARK said:

    div 3 medic. rapes children and their fathers.

    also, he is Danish.

    get him.

  10. .panic said:

    If i was a hot girl from 4fuckr i would marry him.

  11. Ghostface: spire said:

    Pretty cool guy, mad med sk1llz, knows what he’s gotta do to win.

    His voice annoys me most of the time, but that’s just me.

  12. jakko said:

    Good medic and a great guy, He thought i could actually play demo once… GL mate :D

  13. Cannady: hood said:

    nice medic, buffs the shit out of scouts and second best medic in denmark. gl :)

    i will miss your heal D:::::

  14. Erectus: aHn said:

    What can I say, an awsome guy, and even more awsome medic.
    Left us because of personal reasons.
    This guy wanna win, and he will help you do it, get him in your team!

  15. Mordi: ≧◡≦ said:

    A great medic, no doubt!
    But imo a little bit emo out-game. “Non rager”, that’s a lie, and he can sometimes have these periods where he becomes a big dick to his team and won’t play etc…
    Also, div1 dropper.


  16. vero :<: (^-^)v said:

    Nice medic, sadly he’s Danish though. Also he seems to be playing every damn day! Have a good idea about how to distribute heals and seems to actively think about the surrounding mechanics, and not just play the class.

  17. Gobby! said:

    “Non rager”, that’s a lie,” – Mordi

    Let me rephrase i don’t Non Raging towards teamates.

  18. Noreille: RELAPSE! - AwF said:

    good mid (maybe more ) med , with a real team play , rare guy , get it !

  19. ЯaubtierR: instincts.lad said:

    Hes a good medic and hes fat.

  20. Dr. Phil: TBC - LEGO said:

    div 3 medic! nice guy + keep your father’s hidden away or else he will find them and rape them!

  21. konr said:

    Great medic

  22. SWiFT: MAYOGURL - Poo said:

    awesome medic.

  23. Erectus: aHn said:

    friendly bump

  24. PureX: U-D-D said:


  25. Gobby! said:


  26. F7 said:

    awesome guy !
    Pick him up fast.. Good luck from F7. :>

  27. Tommy the Cat said:

    I like Gobby. Had some good mixes with him, always up for a game.