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MedicSoldier  Div 4 Skill, 6v6

NorthernIreland garden

Posted: | Last Online:

Looking for a team to main, or maybe sub, for the rest of S19 as soldier (either).
2 seasons of experience of div 5 on pocket, been in a number of div 4 scrims in the lead up to S19.

*added med. don't really care what div you are. if you want a d4 level solly/med to finish your last few officials hmu.

User Profile | SteamID: U:1:71165123 Add Friend

Team History

Action Team By Date
Joined morrissey the consumer monkey [6v6 Fun Team] HATE
Left Ebola Esports [Highlander] garden
Left The Chris Martin Experience [6v6] Nagi
Joined The Chris Martin Experience [6v6] DCS
Left The Chris Martin Experience [6v6] garden
Joined Ebola Esports [Highlander] TaylorSwiftFan100
Joined The Chris Martin Experience [6v6] Nagi
Left 877-DEAD-NOW [6v6] garden
Joined 877-DEAD-NOW [6v6] Honey Badger
Left Fagötter [6v6] garden
Joined horticulturalist [1v1] garden
Joined Fagötter [6v6] Rob J. Cole
Left Carbon Gaming [6v6] garden
Left Otakus and Generals of Tf2 [Highlander] garden
Joined Carbon Gaming [6v6] Vast
Left Offclass Utd. [6v6] LarryPounder
Joined Offclass Utd. [6v6] garden
Joined Otakus and Generals of Tf2 [Highlander] hamie96
Left XYZ [Highlander] Epic ForeShadowing
Joined XYZ [Highlander] Epic ForeShadowing

Previous Recruitment Posts

View Skill Classes Views Added
View Mid 2 374
View Div 5 9 384
View Div 6 1 229


  1. Matek: Choke - COGU said:

    6/9 gamer, would recommend

  2. Dan: NASA said:

    Great guy, good at video games and name also rhymes with Dan what more could you want?

  3. CheeseMammoth: T_T said:

    Don’t let his name fool you, he isn’t actually a garden, but a man. However, this man is the coolest person I’ve met online apart from the guy that me a free back scratcher.

  4. Zafus: BRIT said:

    A talkative pocket which can shoot at feet and feet which are airborne proficiently. Loads of experience behind him, keen and willing to improve.

  5. Menty: MAFIA - Nein said:

    good lad

  6. Mr. Guy: *fast - §GOLD said:

    leaves mge when I want to play hide ‘n seek, -rep

  7. HATE: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    what a fantastic bloke, wholly deserves a fantastic team behind him.

  8. corben: PISTONS said:

    very talented pocket soldier, pick him up! :)

  9. .: ti. - WiK? said:

    brilliant soldier and a lovely team mate

  10. garden said:

    thanks all for the kinds words :)

    Backing up for a friends team now, but still looking for a main in d4

  11. garden said:

    bumped and edited (now with added medic)

  12. Cyber: ◄PmP► - SWPLD said:

    Can i play as soldier either pocket or roamer i dont mind. I have played over 100 hours as soldier (no idle) and in total about 1,400 total hours played… Also can a friend of mine join aswell as medic he has recently been hacked so he has rather low hours played but he is a really good medic. Please add me for further information.


  13. Treacle Sponge: [TCC] said:

    Hey,My steam user is treacle sponge. I think I have what it takes to play Medic for your team.  I recently received an australium medi-gun and have been practicing. I would like to have try outs. If you will consider me please send me a friend request at Treacle Sponge.-Treacle

  14. HATE: (ETF2L Donator) said:

    why can nobody reeeeeeeead